The End (Draco x Harry)

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Harry inhaled a deep breath of sweet, warm air.

"I can't believe we have to start again tomorrow. Summer went by way too fast." Draco hummed, staring up at the starry sky.

"At least we were able to spend a lot of time together." 'A lot of time' was an understatement. The two high schoolers had never spent more than a day away from each other.

Harry shifted uncomfortably, wishing that they had chosen a less-rocky spot to lie down on.

"It's going to be weird." Malfoy scoffed, turning his head to look at Harry.

"Probably more stressful than weird."

"Hey, don't be like that. We can help each other with homework. We basically have the same schedule." The two entwined their hands together.

"What about next year, when we graduate?"

"We've gone over this before. We stay in touch during college and spend holidays together. You graduate first and get a job. I graduate a while later and we move in together. Then, you take over your father's company at some point, and we're set for life." Draco squeezed his hand.

"I'm worried." Harry smiled, sitting up and stretching.

"You don't have to. Eventually, everything will work out. It's going to take years of work, but we'll pull through."

"I think I really love you." Draco whispered. Harry let out a little surprised squawk as he was pulled to lie down besides he boyfriend.

"That's good, because I know I love you." He replied after a moment, a shy smile on his face.

The blond groaned, "God, you're going to kill me." He peppered Harry's face with kisses.

"I don't want to kill you." Harry pouted, making Draco grin.

"That's good. Promise me we'll eat lunch together?"

"Of course. I'll pack you something." Draco gave Harry a chaste kiss on the lips.

"You're too good to me." Potter ran his fingers through Draco's silky hair.

"It's because I love you more than anyone in this whole world."

Draco's cheeks turned pink.

"My heart just did the fluttery thing." He mumbled, making Harry laugh.

"That was the goal, baby."

"Stop, you're going to give me a heart attack."

"That wasn't the goal." Said Harry, frowning.

"I hope it wasn't." Their gazes locked and it was Harry's turn for his heart to skip a beat. "Your eyes are so pretty. I wish could look at them all day."

"Now I'm going to have a heart attack. Oh, I have chest pains." Harry clutched his chest dramatically, making Draco laugh softly.

A/N: so summer is pretty much over and that's sad. Some people have already started, but I start in two days. Oh boy, I'm already stressed.

Hopefully all of you had a great summer and did everything that you wanted to.

I also wanted to address the whole thingy where you get notifications when people you follow write something on their message board. It doesn't bother me much because I love reading what you all have to say, but I'll try to cut down on writing stuff on my message board. Hopefully it will make everyone less annoyed with Wattpad. Thanks for reading!

(The chapter was 420 words without my author's note)

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