Christmas Day 8 (Tom x Harry, Magical)

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A/N: this chapter may not have a lot to do with eight maids a-milking, but I hope all of you will be able to appreciate it anyway.

Technically, this takes place on day seven and eight. I did my best, ok!

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me eight maids a-milking

"Tom, come down stairs and sit with me. We need to talk." Tom's brows rose. He couldn't help feeling worried.

"About what?" Harry gave him a little smile.

"You'll figure out in just a minute. It's not bad, I promise." Intrigued, the older wizard followed his husband down to their living room.

He sat down on a leather chair, sighing. The fireplace crackled and gave off a comforting warmth.

"I'm concerned, love. You're making me think about everything I might have done to upset you."

"You sure do worry a lot for a man that has everything in the world. Relax for just a few moments. Do you know what today is?"

"December 31st."

"Well... you're not wrong. It's your birthday and New Year's Eve." Tom blinked. Once, twice, and smiled.

"Ooh, I see. Looks like I'm another year closer to death." Harry snorted at his joke.

"And right now," He cast a tempus spell, "there's less than a minute until a new year starts. How would you like to end it?"

"Mmm... I think we should end the year snogging and start it snogging." Harry allowed himself to be pulled on to Tom's lap.

He squirmed around until they could face each other

The younger male glanced at the time.

"Only thirty seconds left." Their eyes were locked together, both filled with passion.

Tom covered the nape of Harry's neck with his hand, gently squeezing.

"Go." Riddle whispered, leaning forwards.

Harry wrapped his arms loosely around Tom. His eyes instinctively closed as their lips brushed. Almost hesitant, at first.

It reminded Harry of the kiss from The Great Gatsby. A tuning fork striking a star. A/N: a quote from the book. I'm not that good with words to have written that.

Tom's hand settled over the left side of his chest. He smiled into the kiss, but didn't stop. Harry felt his heart racing, but he couldn't help it.

The urgent thumping in his chest while kissing Tom hadn't gone away, even after they'd been together for more than a decade. Harry secretly hoped it never would.

"Happy birthday." He murmured as they pulled away, hot breath against Tom's lips.

"Thank you, my dear. You're the man I'd wish to spend it with forever." He pushed Harry's dark bangs away, softly brushing the lightning bolt scar.

Tom tended to do this a lot, almost as an apology for their troubled past. He simply smiled, rolled Tom's left sleeve up, and traced over the dark mark.

"Me too. Now, I believe it's time for champagne and ice cream."

"That sounds wonderfully, Harry. Diffy." A house elf appeared with a pop.

"What cans Diffy do for masters?"

"Champagne and chocolate ice cream. Please." Harry had been trying to drill good manners into him and it seemed to be working.

"Yes master." She squeaked out before disappearing.

"Come here for a moment." Harry, who'd found his own seat, got up once again. He leaned against the arm of Tom's chair, smiling. "Merlin, you're gorgeous. How did I ever get so lucky?"

"I suppose fate decided not to screw with us for once."

"Maybe. You are amazing, do you know that? You fixed me." Harry snorted.

"I did not fix you, for you were never broken. All we did was... support each other in times of need. And don't you ever say you're broken again, got it? You're a strong, witty, handsome, and loving man that I will never give up for anything." Harry seemed almost upset, speaking with a stern voice. Tom couldn't utter a word out for a minute.

"Damn, you're making me all emotional." The house elf popped in, startling both wizards. She set their champagne and bowls of ice cream on the table and left swiftly.

"Having emotions doesn't make you weak." Harry had seen Tom cry plenty of times, of joy and sorrow.

When Harry first showed him affection. Hugs, kisses, and surprise cuddle sections all got to his heart.

When he and Harry had first made love to each other.

When they confessed their love months after starting a relationship.

When Tom knelt down like some muggle man and proposed.

When they got married.

Harry had seen it all, through rough and smooth. And he'd loved Tom from the start, even if he didn't realize it then.

"I love you." Tom whispered, a soft smile adorning his lips.

"I love you too, and don't you forget that," Harry cleared his throat, "Time for champagne and ice cream. Then, we can go to bed."

He poured out two glasses and put a bowl of chocolate ice cream in Tom's hands.

They toasted, the champagne flutes making a clear ringing sound, before taking a sip.

"I still can't believe this was a muggle invention." Harry nodded.

"They can be clever little creatures at times." Tom rose his brow.

"Ice cream may have been the only good thing they've made." Potter frowned.

"Oi! We're both half-muggle, you know." Riddle shuddered.

"Yes, I'm aware of that." Harry ignored the disdain in his tone and yawned.

"We should get to bed soon." Tom banished their empty bowls and champagne flutes with a flick of his wand.

"I suppose." He stood up and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist, "I couldn't have asked for a better present than you." Harry leaned into him, relaxing as much as he could while still standing.

"C'mon, I'm getting tired. If you don't hurry up, you'll have to carry me up the stairs." Tom smirked.

"Oh of course. I would never force my dearest prince to walk." He put on a fake posh accent, though it sounded akin to a Malfoy, and picked Harry up bridal style.

Tom made the way up the stairs, wobbling at points, but staying strong.

The whole time Harry just gazed at him, fond look in his eyes. He didn't worry, for he knew he could trust his beloved.

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