Bad Days (Fenrir x Harry)

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Harry smiled at his boyfriend of five years.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" Fenrir scowled, plopping down on the couch.

"Not good. All of my coworkers are jackasses." Harry sat down besides him, lacing their fingers together.

"Oh. Well I ordered Chinese a few minutes ago. Are you hungry?" Fenrir nodded. "Good. Until then, we can cuddle." Fenrir appeared to be a tough guy, but thoroughly enjoyed contact.

They both lied down, though it was a bit of a tight fit. Harry ended up lying on top of him on his stomach.

"I must have been Edward Jenner or something in my past life to deserve you." Harry giggled, pecking Fenrir on the lips.

"You're ridiculous. The only qualification you need is being Fenrir Greyback."

"Who do you think you were in a past life?" Harry hummed quietly to himself.

"I don't know." Fenrir inhaled deeply.

"You bought new shampoo. Coconut."

"Mm-hm. I think it smells nice."

"What did you do today?" Harry shrugged.

"I went to the studio and painted for a few hours. I bought groceries and got you more socks."

"Really? I didn't even ask you. How do you always know what I need?" Harry laughed as Fenrir peppered his cheeks with kisses.

"Its my sixth sense."

"Being able to see dead people would be cooler." Harry nodded, jumping up when their doorbell rang. He grabbed money off the counter and retrieved their food.

The transaction was quick and luckily there were no problems. A/N: it sounds like I'm talking about a drug deal

"Smells good!" Said Fenrir from the kitchen.

"Yeah. Get me a plate?" His boyfriend was already on top of it, even getting them drinks from the fridge.

The two of them sat back down on the couch, putting on Titanic to watch while they ate.

Fenrir's bad day had definitely gotten better after going home.

A/N: I know school/college is starting again for a lot of people. That means that more bad days are probably coming. In my personal experience, talking to someone about it or just making time to relax and gather your thoughts helps. If you are having a bad day right now, just remember that tomorrow will be better. I hope you liked this!

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