Home Pt. 7

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"My boy! Thank Merlin you're alright!" Albus clapped Harry on the back, smiling in the grandfatherly way he did. Harry flinched, though smiled back.

"When will the aurors come?"

"Soon. What you did was brave, and I must say I'm proud. I am confused, however. Your... connection with the dark side is unclear."

"I'll explain it once the aurors. The explanation is long and I wouldn't like to repeat too many times."

"Ah, of course. I shall wait. In the meantime, would you like a Lemon Drop?"


"Start. From the beginning." Harry felt a smidge nervous to be surrounded by all five aurors and the headmaster.

"Questions can be asked later on. It all began with Greyback. I would go out late at night when I couldn't sleep. It probably wasn't the brightest thing to do, but I considered it to not be dangerous. He was watching me and we spoke. I figured out that he was a deatheater. He allowed me a week to say goodbye to everyone, which I did. I decided that Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Professor Snape, and Draco Malfoy were trustworthy. After doing this, I wrote a will. I thought I was going to be killed, so it was fitting. I met Greyback in the forbidden forest. He told me a little and even informed me that I wasn't going to be killed. We portkeyed to his cottage in the woods. Staying with him was much better than I expected. We got along, actually. Skip forward a few weeks. Long story short, I figured out the Order and Deatheaters were fighting. I aperated into the Malfoy manor." Harry rolled his eyes at their shocked expressions. "Honestly, what did you expect? Anyway, I pulled everyone out I didn't want to get hurt. This included Greyback, Draco Malloy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Snape. Lucius Malfoy was the one that warned me, he was already back at the cottage. I forced everyone to stay at the cabin and went back to fight. You all know what happened after that." Harry took a deep breath. "I have a request."

"Go on." Said an auror, looking up from the notebook he was writing in.

"Don't put Lucius, Fenrir, or Draco in Azkaban. You'd better not throw any of the Malfoys in." Dumbledore nearly swallowed the Lemon Drop he was sucking on whole.

"That's absurd!" Harry shook his head.

"No, not really. Draco's just a kid. He does stupid things. He also needs his parents. I don't want him to suffer." Harry forced out a tear, wanting their pity. "Fenrir is a friend, I suppose. He took care of me. He gave me hope. You probably don't believe me, but he's a gentle person." Dumbledore covered Harry's hand with his. Potter managed to not stare at the wrinkly flesh with a look of disgust. "You may start the questions down." All of the aurors began to speak. "One at a time, please. You, start." Harry pointed at a woman.

"Why wouldn't you tell the headmaster about being captured by the dark lord?"

"I didn't want to stir everything up. He would have caught me one way or another. Anything else?"

"Yes. Why would you tell Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape about leaving?"

"I suppose I wanted to apologize to both of them."

"One more. How did you form a bond with Fenrir Greyback?" Harry thought for a moment.

"He never lied to me. I appreciate honesty very much. He's got a decent sense of humor too." Harry wiped a tear away, giving the aurors a smile.

"Had someone advised you to use the killing curse in yourself? With malicious intentions, perhaps?" The next auror asked.

"I thought of it myself. I didn't tell anyone because I know they would have tried to stop me."

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