Jobberknolls (Severus x Harry)

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A/N: Harry is in his 6th year, so he's 16. Pretty much all the names I put in here are students in their 6th year or teachers.

Harry Bianchi definitely wasn't normal. He stayed away from everyone, enjoyed Astronomy, and was great at DADA. He was a Ravenclaw, but stuck to studying alone. He ignored most offers of friendship and wasn't afraid to defend himself.

Severus wasn't a stalker or something, he was just observant. That's all. No, he did not have a crush on Bianchi and he did not want to be friends, Bianchi was just intriguing.

The Slytherin was roused from his thoughts when his blond friend, Lucius, nudged him.

"You're staring again. You should just go talk to him!" He whispered quietly, making sure to not catch the attention of the Ravenclaw a few tables away from them.

"No, he probably hates me already."

"You haven't even talked to him!"

"Have you seen the way he talks to others? He avoids everyone, it would be best to not bother him." Lucius stood up and confidently strode over to the table.

"Hello, Harry." He said, sitting down. Severus groaned and followed him.

"Malfoy, Snape. What do you want?" He didn't close the book. Lucius poked his hand.

"Close the book for a minute." Bianchi glared, but complied.


"We were just curious about what you're reading."

"I am reading about magical bird eggs."

"Why?" Harry sighed.

"I found eggs in the forest and was wondering what they are."

"Can we see?" Lucius asked, grinning like a child. Bianchi crossed his arms.

"Why do you want to see them?"

"We're just curious, honest." Severus replied quietly.

"You'd better not report me to Dumb-As-A-Door for having magical creatures in the castle." Lucius snorted in amusement. He carefully took three eggs out from his satchel and set them on the table. They were all quite small and the color of robin eggs. Lucius examined them with caution.

"Do you know what they are?" Severus questioned.

"I believe that they are Jobberknolls. Jobberknolls are small, blue birds. They are silent until their death, where they scream every sound they've ever heard in reverse. Their feathers are used in Truth Serums and Memory Potions." Malfoy's brows rose.

"That's kind of weird. What do you plan on doing when they hatch?"

"Taking care of them until they can fly. When they are able to fly, I will let them go in the forest."

"And if we tell?" Harry shot both of them a dangerous look.

"I will find more, raise them, hide them in both of your dorms when they're about to die, and then you will have to suffer through the shrieks and screams." Lucius whistled.

"We weren't planning on telling anyway."

"Good." Harry stood up, put his book back, and walked out of the library. Lucius smirked.

"That went well." Severus scoffed.


Harry was sprawled across his bed, the three eggs on a special heated pillow next to him.

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