'39 (Severus x Harry)

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Severus Snape sat on a bar stool alone, sipping at a glass of whiskey. People chatted happily, women seduced defenseless men, everyone drank their sorrow away. He'd been watching a man, probably a few years younger than him. He too sat alone. This man was short, adorably short. His feet dangled off the barstool, unlike Severus's, whose touched the ground.

He must have noticed the attention. The man smiled politely, that confused Snape. Most people glared or frowned at him. Maybe this man was different.

Severus bravely sat down next to him.

"Hello." He said, trying his best to sound friendly.

"Hi, I'm Harry." Harry waved.

"I'm Severus." A silence settled over them, Harry's fingers tapped the wooden bar counter, as if there was a song playing in his head.

"Why are you here?" Severus didn't know why he was here, honestly.

"I've nothing else to do. It's my birthday, but all of my friends are busy." Harry's brows furrowed.

"Oh. How old are you? I can fill in for your friends tonight." He gave a bright smile, Severus kept the shock off his face.

"I'm 39."

"Like the Queen song?" Severus nodded hesitantly. He had listened to that song a few times.

"I suppose." He drank the rest of his whiskey. "I'll be right back." Snape went to the restroom. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, a warm sensation in his stomach. Harry was quite attractive up close. His hair was jet-black and soft looking, his skin was that of a porcelain doll, and his eyes were beautiful. Their color was green, Severus loved green eyes. Even his voice was attractive! It was beautiful and Severus would love to hear him scream his nam.... damn inappropriate thoughts.

Snape walked back to the bar stool, Harry was gone. There was a note on a napkin, though.

Don't worry, I'll come back. Just wait for like 10 minutes, I'm getting a surprise.

Severus sighed and sat down.


Harry hurried back into the bar, glad to see that Severus was still waiting. That man seemed kind and no one was there to celebrate his birthday with him.

He sat down and smiled.

"Mm, I thought that you weren't coming back." Harry rolled his eyes.

"I said I would and I don't like lying. I got you a present." He gave Severus the hastily wrapped gift. Harry was on a time crunch and he did the best that he could.

"Really, we met like half an hour ago?"

"Everyone should a get a present on their birthday and they should never have to celebrate alone." Severus carefully ripped the paper off and smiled. It was 'A Night At The Opera', the album that '39 was on.

"You didn't have to." He said softly, Harry just grinned.

"It's not over yet! The last present has to be done outside." Severus took out his wallet to pay for the drinks, but Harry stopped him.

"It's your birthday, I'll pay." He fished out money and handed it to the bartender, then walked out the door. Severus followed him.


Harry got two muffins out from his car, a lighter, and a candle. He sat down on the curb with his new friend and lit the candle.

"Happy birthday, Severus! Make a wish!" The man blew out the candle, saying a wish in his head.

"It's cold, you should go home or something." Harry smiled and stood up.

"C'mon, we can listen to '39 and eat muffins in my car." He held out his hand, Severus took it. The hand was warm, he dragged the man to his car and they both sat down. Harry turned on the heat and put the disk in, finding '39.

"What kind are they?"

"Blueberry, I assumed that you were a blueberry kind of guy." Snape smirked.

"You assumed correctly."


Both of them sang along to the album when they were done with their muffins. It didn't matter that they were bad at singing and it didn't matter that it was past 12 o'clock. They sang until their breath was gone.

Harry turned the music down, a grin on his face.

"So, how was your birthday?"

"Very nice, actually. I'm glad that I met you."

"Well I'm glad that I met you too." Harry smiled.

"How old are you?"


"And why are you here?" Harry shrugged.

"I guess that I just like this bar, it's quiet enough."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, there's no other reason." Severus looked at watch.

"It's getting late, I should probably leave." He opened the car door, Harry waved goodbye.

"Happy birthday, drive safe." Snape didn't leave the car.

"You wouldn't mind if we stayed in contact, right? I just have never met anyone as kind as you before."

"I wouldn't mind at all!" He smiled and wrote down his number on a piece of paper. "Call or text me sometime." Severus was careful to keep the surprise off his face. He grinned back and walked to his car, a pep in his step.

The next morning

Severus looked up at the sound of footsteps. It was a blond man, Lucius Malfoy. Lucius was a close friend of his, he had been for many years.

"You're different today. Does being 39 affect you that much?"

"No, but I met someone last night." This piqued the blond's interest.


"Well his name was Harry, we met in a bar. He bought me a muffin and we celebrated my birthday in his car. I got his number too." A dreamy look appeared in Snape's eyes.

"So you had sex with him?"

"What? No? He payed for my drink, bought me a muffin, and gave me a CD as a gift. We were talking about how I was 39 and he related my age to a song. He bought the whole album and we sang along to it together."

"What does he look like?"

"He had black hair, great skin, an attractive figure, and the most beautiful green eyes that I've ever seen." Severus sighed wistfully as he thought about Harry.

"You're infatuated with him, aren't you?" Lucius raised a brow.

"N-yes, I suppose I am. I don't know how anyone could resist his charm."

"Oh god, you really do love him! Good luck, my friend. You'll definitely need it." Severus scowled, what was that supposed to mean. He watched as his friend walked away.

He that he would call Harry once work was over.

Maybe they could have lunch sometime, that would be nice. Severus could imagine the way Harry's eyes would glimmer in the sunlight and he could hear Harry's cheerful voice. Hell, Severus could feel Harry's buoyant aura and how it could make everyone feel all warm and bubbly if they were in a 100-foot radius.

Severus shook his head to clear away the thoughts. He needed to get to work.


A/N: Hey, readers? How was the story? What do you think Severus wished for? I hope that you're all having a pleasant day/evening! '39 is a really good song, I strongly recommend that you listen to it.

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