Home Pt. 3

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Harry awoke with a start, heart pounding. "Nightmare." He muttered, expecting that Fenir would be awake. The wizard glanced around. The bed was empty, the door was open all the way, and there wasn't a fire. Harry shivered, getting up and peering out the door.

"Fenir? Are you outside?" No reply. He sat down on the stool, now noticing a piece of parchment on the table. Harry picked it up and frowned.

Death eater meeting, I won't be back for a few days. Full moon is coming up, don't go outside late at night. Don't starve to death and don't let those damn wolves eat you.

P.s., Snape left a box with a some food and clothes for you. I forgot to tell you last night. Also, someone will come to check on you today.

Harry frowned at his messy and seemingly rushed scrawl. He shut the door and used his wand to start a fire in the hearth. After the fire was burning steadily, Harry found the box next to his bed.

He opened it, glad to see enough food to last him a week or two and extra jumpers, shirts, and pants. Harry put a cauldron of water of the fire and munched on a granola bar that Snape put in the box. The small cabin seemed lonely and cold without Fenir. Harry blushed, remembering what had happened the night before.

"Don't act like a goddamn schoolgirl, Potter." He let the water cool a bit and dipped a washcloth in it. Harry took off most of his clothes and cleaned himself as best as he could. He dried off by the fire and put a fresh set of clothes on. "Now what?" The wizard mumbled, frowning. With Fenir around, he had to make breakfast for both of them, start a fire, take a few minutes to make sure that Fenir was healing well, and he had to go hunting most of the day. Harry let out a long sigh, putting on shoes and a light jacket to protect him from the morning chill. He went outside, eyes wide. "Merlin." A group of around ten wolves stood only yards away. Two of those were Merlin and Godric.

Godric hurried to his side, nudging Harry with his nose. It was as if he wanted Harry to go meet all of his friends.

The wizard took a few hesitant steps forward and sat down, deciding that the wolves would come near him if they wanted. A very large brown wolf circled him, eyes fierce. "So you're the alpha?" He held out a shaking hand. The wolf sniffed it, backed away, and lied down. Harry relaxed slightly, a few other wolves crowded around him. They all sniffed him curiously, then backed away or laid down beside him. Godric pushed his way through the small crowd. The wolf sat down being Harry, his chin resting on Harry's shoulder.

The wizard grinned.

"Good boy." He cooed, turning to rub his chest. Godric licked Harry's check affectionately, making Potter laugh. "Do you like giving kisses?" If a wolf could nod, Harry was sure that he would have.


Harry left the wolves for a while, coming back with a basket full of fish.
"Are you guys hungry?" Merlin nudged a few of the wolves to catch their attention. Harry scattered a few fish around, not wanting them to fight over food. The alpha ate first, then what appeared to be his mate. After them, it was Merlin, Godric, a medium sized grey wolf, a slightly smaller brown wolf, then a white wolf, then three small wolves.

Once they were all full, all of them laid down again. These creatures appeared t be happy sunbathing. Harry snorted at the thought of them at a beach tanning.


"Fenir told me that you had a few wolf friends, but he never said you had a whole pack of them." Pierre stood about 25 feet away from the animals and the wizard. Harry looked up, smiling at the man.

"Sit down, let them come to you. It'd be bad if they started feeling threatened." Pierre did as instructed.

"So you have control over them?" Harry scoffed, shaking his head.

"Of course not, they're wild animals." Godric cautiously sniffed at the stranger, trotting back to Harry's side. Pierre slowly moved himself further away from them.

"You're crazier than Fenir told me. You not only live with a werewolf, but you spend time around a pack of actual wolves."

"Oh they're not bad. I'm fairly confident that none of them would ever hurt me. Besides, being with Fenir is better than being with most of my friends from Hogwarts. I don't mind them either, they're just puppies." Harry scratched behind Godric's ear.

"Really? Isn't Fenir the one who scratched you? Didn't these wolves chase you up a tree?"

"Him scratching me wasn't his fault. We had just port-keyed and I pulled my arm away. He didn't mean to hurt me."

"Alright, I'm going to leave now because you seem fine." He slowly moved further and further backwards, standing up when he was far enough away. "Remember to stay inside tonight, it's getting dark!" Harry nodded, waving goodbye.


Harry looked out the window, he sighed and threw another log onto the crackling fire.

The wizard crawled into bed and closed his eyes, yawning. He nearly said 'good night' to Fenir.

"Please don't do anything bad, Fenir." Harry whispered to himself, eyes shutting.


Harry sat up, eyes widening dramatically.

"Dear Merlin." Amber eyes stared into his.

"Don't be frightened." Greyback was kneeling beside his bed.

"I-I'm not... why are you here? Is the sun out?"

"No." Harry took note of the rougher voice and more wolffish features. "Are you going to draw your wand? Will you stun me?" Harry shook his head.

"No, I won't. Were you watching me sleep?" Fenir stood, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe. Your scent was calling out to me." The younger male laughed nervously.

"Ok. Your werewolf transformation is much different than Remus's. His was all skinny and creepy. Yours... well they aren't the same." Fenir's ears had become pointed, his hair grew longer, and his teeth got even sharper.

"Lupin poisons himself with that Wolfsbane, I don't. He tries fighting the inner wolf, but the wolf will always win. I choose to accept the wolf."

"Why'd you tell me to stay inside if you were just going to come in?" Fenir shrugged.

"I didn't want you to see me covered in blood." Harry bit his lip.

"You didn't fight with the pack of wolves, right? Please say you didn't hurt any of them." The werewolf shook his head.

"Don't worry, little wizard. I didn't harm them." Harry let out a breath of relief and laid back down.

"So the blood would be from your prey?" Greyback laid down beside him.

"Yes, I washes off in the creek before coming inside. I figured waking up to a blood-stained werewolf would be scary. Hell, waking up and seeing a werewolf next to your bed must be bad enough." Harry patted the man's arm.

"You don't scare me, Fenir. I've enjoyed having you around, even if it really isn't my choice." Fenir grinned.

"I haven't minded you either." He snorted, "Listen to me, I'm going all soft." Harry smiled kindly, shyly embracing the much larger male.

"You should sleep now." An arm encircled around the wizard.

"Mm, g'night." He mumbled sleepily, burying his nose into Harry's tangled hair. The young wizard flushed.


A/N: Hey, readers. How has your day been so far? Mine has been ok. I hope all of you enjoyed this!

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