Daddy's Boy (Keeping Up With The Malfoys)

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AU: Harry is a Malfoy that's pretty much it. Voldie doesn't really exist in this universe. A little background info: Narcissa gave birth to fraternal twins instead of just having Draco. She died of Dragon Pox soon after the boys graduated from Hogwarts.

P.s, this isn't about daddy kinks and there isn't really a ship here.

"Lucius, calm down." Snape tried to sound demanding, but it came out as more of a plead.

"Calm down? What he did is unforgivable."

"Father, please. Don't be rash."

"I cannot tolerate such stupidity. Narcissa doesn't deserve this disrespect." The blond shook in rage. He paced back and forth recklessly. "I would like for you to summon Yaxley, son."

"Yes, Father." Draco complied, grabbing some floo powder. He threw it into the fire. "Malfoy Mansion." He stuck his head into the flames. The blond was glad to see his brother already sitting in front of his fireplace, reading.

"Oh, hello. Is something wrong?" Harry smiled at Draco.

"Father is having... issues. Yaxley called mother a 'blonde bimbo'. He was drunk around the wrong crowd. Bella snitched on him." Harry winced.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Keep the situation under control." Draco nodded, pulling his head out of the fireplace.

Next, he fire-called Yaxley's house.


"I cannot believe this! Insulting Narcissa when she can't even defend herself. If your mother was here today, I know damn well she would have hexed him to hell and back." Lucius fumed, eyebrows furrowed.

His head whipped around as a man entered the room. He was ready to curse him, but stoped.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Harry hurried to his father's side, giving the man a quick hug. Malfoys usually didn't hug, but this was an exception.

"Draco told me there was a little problem."

"Yes, there i- Yaxley!" Lucius took his wand out, pointing it at the wizard that had insulted his wife. "In what damn world do you think you live in?" He hissed, voice venomous.

Harry muttered under his breath, not expecting Yaxley to get there so quickly. He put himself between the two wizards, smiling kindly at his father.

"Let's not cause any trouble here. I'm sure Yaxley would love to apologize for his giant of a mistake." The frail man standing behind Harry nodded rapidly.

"Er, yes. I sincerely apologize for talking about Narcissa in such a horrible way. I will do anything to make it up." Yaxley laughed nervously.

"Oh, you want to make it up? I think not. We can settle this like wizards. Get out of the way, dear." Harry was astounded how his father could be threatening a man one minute, then calling him 'dear' the next.

Severus and Draco watched at the sidelines, both feeling anxious.

"Yaxley isn't worth your time. He's weak." The frail wizard took offense to this, his own wand now drawn.

"I am not weak!" Harry rolled his eyes, snatching the wand from his hands. He snapped it in half in one swift movement.

"Yaxley's defenseless now. Malfoys won't fight the defenseless." Lucius kept his wand up. "Please, Papa." His cold expression melted at those words. It had been a very long time since Harry called him 'Papa'.

"Fine." Harry smiled, throwing the shards of a wand at Yaxley's feet.

"Go to your study. I can deal with him well enough." Lucius nodded, a smile creeping up into his face.

Once he had left, Harry turned to Yaxley. The man stared at him, a look of horror and shock on his face.

"M-my wand." He mumbled, bending over to pick the pieces up.

Harry glared coolly, walking forwards until they stood less than a yard away from each other.

"I do hope your magic won't be affected by this." Harry lifted up his hand, scowling.

A sharp crack filled the air. Yaxley stumbled at the harsh slap. He brushed a finger over his lip, frowning at the blood he found.

"Leave, bastard." Yaxley scurried to the fireplace, flooing away nearly at the speed of light.

Harry let out a long sigh.

"Daddy's boy." Draco commented, smirking.

"Hush." The dark haired Malfoy retorted.

"Breaking his wand might have been a little extreme." Harry shrugged at Snape.

"You can't deny that he deserved it. Is there anything else I can do?" Draco shook his head.

"No, sorry for disturbing you." Harry snorted, going to the fireplace.

"Bye bye." He waved, smiling. "Take care of Papa for me." The two wizards watched as Harry stepped into the fireplace, disappearing.

"So Harry really calls him 'Papa'?" Draco nodded, grinning.

"Yeah, but I haven't heard Harry call him that in years." Snape hummed softly.

A/N: I feel bad for not updating anything in such a long time. Sorry that there isn't a ship in here, I just didn't know who to do. I hope you liked reading this!

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