Happy Birthday (Draco x Harry)

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"Shut up, will you? Harry's gonna be here any minute!" Blaise whisper-yelled at his friends from behind the couch.

"How about you shut-" Pansy retorted, but was interrupted by the door opening.

"Draco? Are you home? Didn't you work late tonight?" Harry called, toeing off his shoes. There was no response, meaning that Draco wasn't home or he was asleep.

The black haired male stepped into the living room.

"Happy birthday!" All three of them popped up from their hiding spots, shouting in unison.

Harry flinched, though a smile found its way on to his face quickly.

"I thought we were celebrating it tomorrow?" Draco wriggled out of his hiding spot. He hugged his boyfriend, giving him an affectionate peck on the lips.

Harry leaned into the embrace, giggling.

"It was a surprise. Sorry that there aren't many people here." Blaise and Pansy settled on the couch.

"I'd rather have the most important people in my life be here than those that are irrelevant to me." Pansy clapped.

"Yay! We aren't irrelevant to you!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"You two can stop hugging now. The two of us get that you're in a healthy and great relationship." Blaise crossed his arms grumpily.

"Don't ruin it for them, you wet blanket. Let them be happy with their nice gay love." Pansy tutted, smacking Blaise's arm.

Harry giggled, prying Draco's arms off of him. "I think Blaise is sad because he didn't get a hug."

"Oh no, I don't want one." Potter ignored his complaints.

"It's my birthday, getting a hug from you is a great present." Blaise sighed, hugging him back.

"Well you get two gifts from me then." Harry patted his head and turned to Pansy.

"C'mere!" She wrapped her surprising strong arms around Harry, squeezing him tightly.

"Ok, it's cake time!" Draco clapped excitedly. He went into the kitchen and came back carrying a cake with lit candles on it. Pansy got up and turned off the lights.

Blaise, Pansy, and Draco sang while Harry stood there. He never really knew what to do when people were singing for him.

It ended quickly.

"Make a wish, Harry!" Draco cried, still holding the cake. Harry thought for a moment, getting one in his head. He blew out the candles, grinning.

Pansy turned the lights back on and ran off. She came back about a minute later, juggling three wrapped boxes. Harry bounced up and down on the balls of his feet.

Meanwhile, Blaise and Draco gathered plates and forks for the cake. They were disposable, no one likes doing dishes.

The cake was cut by Pansy, who insisted that Harry should get a corner piece.

Once all the cake was dished out, Harry picked up a box.

"That one is from me." Blaise said proudly while beginning to eat.

"Thanks, Blaise." Potter carefully tore off the wrapping paper. He clapped happily at the sight of a ceramic mug along with assorted tins of tea leaves. The mug was pastel blue, one of Harry's favorite colors. He grinned at the Italian, who gave him a tiny smile in return.

"Me next!" Pansy handed him a box. Harry untied the ribbon and took the lid off of it.

"Did Draco tell you I wanted this?" He asked, holding up a terra-cotta pot.

"Yeah, I really didn't know what to get you. There are seeds too. Sunflower and tomato. I think I threw a packet of poppy seeds in too."

"You're all too thoughtful." Pansy patted his shoulder with a smirk.

"Are you ready for mine?" Draco asked, looking nervous.

"Uh-oh. What have you got planned, Romeo?" Harry poked him in a teasing way.

"You'll have to see it yourself." Potter set down Pansy's present and picked up Draco's.

"You're making me anxious." Harry mumbled, though still smiled in anticipation.

"Go on." Blaise encouraged him. Harry nodded and tore into the wrapping paper. He peeled the tape sealing the box shut off.

Potter gasped at what he saw.

"H-how did you... you're going to make me cry." He took a stuffed bear out of the box, holding it tightly against his chest. Pansy and Blaise sent Draco curious looks.

"I saw a picture with you and him. I asked Lupin about him."

"Could you explain? The two of us are confused." Harry nodded, smiling with watery eyes.

"My mother had a friend named Severus. He gave me this black teddy bear with a little top hat and bow tie while visiting once. It used to be his. I named it Sev Bear, obviously."

"I had him custom made from the design in the photo. Lupin also helped with a few details." Harry laughed, clinging to his boyfriend.

"This is one of the best presents I've ever gotten." Draco grinned, pressing a chaste kiss to Harry's lips.

"Well, I think the two of us are going to leave." Pansy said, standing.

"I haven't finished my cake yet!" Blaise whined, shoveling it into his mouth.

"Then hurry up." Parkinson hissed, taking all the plates to the kitchen once he was done. "Bye, make sure to plant something soon!" She practically dragged Blaise out of their house.

"What to do now?" Draco asked, humming.

"We should watch a few movies and then go to bed." The blond nodded.

"What do you want to watch, birthday boy?"

"How about Can't Buy Me Love." Draco searched the movie on Netflix. He turned it on.

"Do you want popcorn or snacks? Something to drink?"

"Popcorn and hot chocolate?"

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Draco said while the movie started.


"Harry, love, it's time for bed." Draco whispered, nudging his boyfriend. Harry didn't move, which meant he was asleep.

Malfoy sighed, picking him up bridal style with a little grunt. Harry's bear was still being clutched tightly.

Draco made sure to not bump Harry's head as he walked through the doorway to their room. He set the sleeping man down, smiling.

The blond lied down beside him, their faces inches away from each other. Malfoy kissed his forehead softly.

"Goodnight Harry," he reached down to pat the stuffed animal against Harry's chest, "goodnight to Sev Bear also."

A/N: this was for Harry's birthday, if you didn't figure that out already. This story's title was literally 'GET DONE BEFORE 31ST!' Because I'm so bad at remembering to write. I hope you enjoyed this!

A/N2.0: haha whoops, I'm about an hour late on publishing                                             ¯\_()_/¯ don't whine because you got two updates in one day

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