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A/N: so I guess this is going to be a collection of short stories about Halloween? Have fun?

————————— Lucius x Harry

Harry groaned, a little frown on his face.

"Lucy," He whined, "I had too much candy corn." The man didn't even spare him a glance.

"That's nice." He replied, engrossed by the book he read. Harry pouted, poking his boyfriend's leg.

"You weren't listening." The blond hummed. "Lucy, I hate when you do this." This seemed to catch his attention.

"Do what?" He put the book down.

"Ignore me. I was talking."

"Sorry sweetie. What's wrong?" He kissed Harry's knuckle, smiling.

"I had too much candy corn and now I feel sick." Lucius chuckled.

"You didn't learn from what happened last year?" Harry flushed.

"I suppose not." Malfoy marked the page in his book, getting up from the couch. He stretched, sighing.

"You'll feel better when you lie down. C'mon." He hauler Harry to his feet.

"But it's still early!" Harry was right, it was only nine o'clock.

"I never said you had to sleep, just lie down." Potter nodded, dragging his boyfriend to their bedroom.

He plopped down on the mattress, smiling. Their bed was comfortable with its silk sheets and soft down pillows.

Lucius crawled into bed, lying down next to him. He propped himself up on an elbow.

"You're so cute." He commented, petting Harry's head. His hair was perfect to play with. Soft and a little fluffy.

Harry relaxed at his touch, eyes closing. A smile crept on to his lips.

"I'm starting to feel better already."

"Good. Don't eat so much next year." Potter nodded, throwing his leg over Lucius's waist.

"I caught you." He murmured sleepily.

"Sugar high wearing off?" Malfoy asked teasingly. He kissed Harry's forehead. "Goodnight. I love you."

"Love you too. Happy Halloween."

————————— Fenrir x Harry

"Let's watch a scary movie." Fenrir suggested, grinning.

Harry bit his lip. "How scary?"

"Just a little. Adrenaline will do you some good, eh? Besides, I'll protect you."

"Fine. Just don't make fun of me."

"I won't, baby. You get snacks, I'll pick out a movie." Harry nodded, hurrying to the kitchen.

He got a bag of peanut M&M's, made a big bowl of popcorn, and grabbed two cans of coke from the fridge. Harry carried them back to the living room, balancing it all haphazardly.

"What'd you find?" Fenrir shrugged.

"They took all the classics off Netflix. So, I picked The Conjuring."

"Don't laugh at me when I get scared." Harry settled down besides him on the couch, cracking open his drink. "I should have gotten something stronger." He mumbled under his breath.

Fenrir started the movie, throwing a blanket over their laps. Harry already felt jumpy.

"Two hours? I have to sit here for two whole hours? And it's about a doll?" Harry munched on some popcorn, trying to distract himself.

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