Christmas Day 7 (Blaise x Harry, Non-Magical)

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A/N: I know I just did Blaise yesterday, but you can deal with it. I was going to do Tom, but his is already non-magical! Sorry~

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me seven swans a-swimming

"Harry, put on your coat! We're going somewhere!"

"Where? And how was work?" Harry walked down the stairs. He'd gotten home from his own job about an hour earlier.

"On a walk."

"Be more specific, dear." Blaise huffed.

"It's sort of a surprise. All I'll say is that it's by the Thames."

"Ok, just give me a minute." Harry put on a pair of shoes and a coat. "Will we be back in time for dinner?" The taller man shrugged, taking Harry's hand in his own.

"Maybe, maybe not. Come now, it'll be getting dark in a few hours."

"Did something happen today?" Harry asked, laughing, as they ventured into the cold.

"I realized that life is short, lovely, and that we need to enjoy it while we can." Blaise pulled him across the busy street.

"You had a mid-life crisis? Are you ok?" Blaise rolled his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine." Harry could feel the eyes on them. Young women giggled, noticing their clasped hands. Harry flushed, but did his best to keep up with Blaise's rushed walk.

"If you say so."

The two finally arrived at the park after what seemed like an hour of waking.

"Oh, they beautiful?" Blaise pointed out seven swans swimming in the swirling stream (get that alliteration).

"Shouldn't they have migrated by now?"

"They're mute swans, who don't migrate. Did you know if their mate dies, they can die of pure loneliness and heartbreak?" Harry frowned.

"No. That's sad." One swan started to preen it's pure white feathers. "Ok, we have to name them. The one closest to shore is... Earl. You go next, the biggest one."

Blaise took a moment to think, "Sid."

"The small one is Nessie." Said Harry, a smile of ease and happiness on his face, reddened by the cold. Blaise snorted. A/N: Basicbitchhere said she would disembowel me if I didn't include a swan named Nessie who is majestic. No, I didn't give her the details of Project X (this). She just helped me out with writing while I was stuck. If you're reading this, thank you <3

"A majestic name for a majestic bird. The one next to Nessie is Blinky."

"Blinky? What kind of bloody name is that?"

"It's better than Nessie." The Italian retorted. Harry's brows rose.

"Let us not fight over who makes up better names. So this was what you took me to see?" Blaise silently apologized, pulling Harry tightly to his chest.

"I saw it coming home from work. I just... thought you would appreciate their beauty."

"Thank you." Blaise leaned down to press a soft kiss onto the soft skin of Harry's neck.

"Let's go home now, before you turn into an icicle." He must have noticed Harry's shivering and chattering teeth.

"Good idea." They joined hands once again and began to run, cautiously avoiding patches of ice.


Harry took off his coat and shoes, putting them away. He blew into his cupped hands and rubbed them together.

"Sorry..." Zabini murmured, obvious guilt in his voice.

"Don't feel the need to apologize. I had a good time."

"I'll make it up to you. Tea?" He wrapped his larger warm hands around Harry's.

"Yes please. I think mint will do."

"Got it." They separated and Harry went up into their bedroom to change.

He came down, a minute or two later, in warm pajamas and thick woolen socks.

He sat down in the living room and waited, reading a book to pass the time.

Cluttering sounds, almost alarmingly loud, were coming from the kitchen.

"How's the tea coming along?" Harry set his book down and went to go check on his boyfriend.

"Fine." He was rummaging through a cabinet.

"What are you looking for?" Harry went to go peer over his shoulder.

"The sugar. Are we out?"

"Nope." Harry showed him a box of sugar cubes.

"Wha- Never mind. Sometimes I swear you just summon things out of thin air." Harry laughed, setting it on the table. He sat down and waited for Blaise to finish the tea.

In that time, Blaise spilled near boiling water on his hand, stubbed his toe twice, and almost spilled the whole carton of milk.

"Thank you."

"You'd better enjoy that. I brewed it with love."

"I will." Harry took a small sip, giving his boyfriend a thumbs up. "It's good."

"Of course it is. It was made by a Zabini."

"Speaking of that, your mom called me today. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you." Blaise smiled.

"Aw. I'll have to call her back later tonight. But for now, I just want to be with you."

"You're too sweet. How about this. You call your mother, talk for a bit, and then we watch something curled up on the couch together?" Blaise pretended to contemplate it.

"Hm. I'll think about it," he paused for a few moments, "I've made up my mind. That sounds wonderful." He drank the rest of his tea in a few large gulps.

"Don't choke! I'll clean up." Blaise shot up and ran to get his phone.

Harry put their dishes in the sink, a fond look upon his face.

Blaise could be clumsy and even stubborn, but God they loved each other.

A/N: Maybe this will make up for the other Blaise x Harry story for Project X?

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