Time Crunch (Lucius x Harry)

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Thanks CrazySmallTown for giving me an idea of what to write about! I hope you like it!

"Lucius, hurry up! I'm going to be late for work!" Harry cried, pacing in front of the bathroom door anxiously.

"It's not my fault that you got up late!" Harry groaned, banging on the door again.

"C'mon, I have to leave in ten minutes! Riddle is going to skin me alive! I can't pay rent if I'm skinned alive, Lucius!"

"Just wait, I'll be out in five minutes."

"I can't shower, get dressed, and dry my hair in five goddamn minutes." Harry growled.

"That's a shame, isn't it?" Potter opened the door and pulled off his pyjamas. "What are you doing now?" Lucius questioned, peering out from behind the shower curtain.

"I've got to shower, Riddle expects good hygiene." Harry pulled back the curtain and stepped in, nudging his room mate away from the shower head.

"Potter? What the hell?!" The black haired male turned to his friend.

"What? We're saving water and time." Malfoy crosses his arms.

"You're such an idiot." Harry smirked, massaging shampoo into his hair.

"Stop glaring, it's not like I'm judging your body. We used to shower together all the time when we were kids."

"We were like ten for God's sake!" Harry rinsed the shampoo out.

"Pass me the conditioner. You can get the shampoo out of your hair now." Harry took the bottle and moved so Malfoy could get under the water.

Harry was, in fact, looking at his friend's body. Lucius had an athletic build, but wasn't too muscly. He was a few inches taller than Harry, but he didn't mind. Harry accepted the fact that he would always be considered short.

"Ow, fuck, I got soap in my eye." Malfoy snarled, rubbing at his left eye. Harry laughed quietly.

"Put it under the water, don't fall." Harry took his hand in support, Malfoy's cheeks reddened.

"I don't need your help." He put his face under the water and got the soap out of his eye. Lucius scowled at his room mate, who was grinning.

"Your eye is a bit red."

"No shit, Potter." Harry rinsed the conditioner out.

They both washed their bodies and stepped out of the shower.

Harry towelled off quickly and got dressed.

"Bye bye." Harry put his hand on the door knob, Lucius grabbed his arm.

"What were you thinking seducing me like that? I'm going to be distracted all day because I'll be thinking about you." Harry flushed.

"W-what? I wasn't trying to... I didn't mean to." Lucius smirked, cocking his head.

"You're so innocent, Harry. That's what I love about you. Now go to work, I can't take you out for dinner tonight if Riddle skins you alive." Harry's mouth opened and closed, but he said nothing. Lucius carefully kissed his cheek and pushed him out of the bathroom.

Harry stared blankly at the door separating them. He shook his head and grabbed the keys to his car.

Work. Needed to get to work.

You can't go on a date with someone if you've been skinned alive, after all.

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