Yellow Tulips (Fenrir x Harry)

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Prince Hadrian watched as beautiful women and handsome men waltzed together. The young man's eyes scanned the people for his father, King James.

"You look bored, Prince." Harry jumped as a blond man snuck up behind him. He clutched at his chest, heart beating rapidly.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, Lucius. And how many times have I told you to call me Hadrian?" Lucius smirked.

"Many times, Prince. It's a habit, I do apologize." Hadrian clucked his tongue.

"It is of no importance. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, there are many gorgeous maidens here. You see that fair-haired one? She's the most beautiful one here. Besides you, of course." Lucius - having been close friends with Hadrian since childhood - joked with a grin.

"Stop that." The prince smiled happily.

"Ahh, there it is! The smile everyone here wishes to see. Women and men swoon at just the sight of that enchanting smile." Lucius patted Hadrian's cheek affectionately. The prince brushed his touch away, used to such actions.

"You have to stop that. My father will see and have a fit." The blond frowned.

"You have to confront him about not being interested in women. You can't control it, no one can."

"He would never accept it."

"Horseshit, he loves you more than anything else. Just tell him! He might be angry for a day, but the next morning he'll be sending letters to princes all over the land."

"I'll tell him once we get back to our kingdom. What is this ball for again?"

"Prince Fenir's 17th birthday, a year older than you."

"Oh, I haven't been paying much attention to what everyone is talking about." Lucius quirked a brow.

"I know, you've been busy staring at Greyback. Does my Hadrian fancy someone?" Hadrian felt his cheeks heat up.

"No! I'm going out to the garden." He quickly hurries outside, drinking in the fresh air gratefully. The prince knelt down by a yellow tulip, stroking an outer petal softly. Tulips had always been Harry's favorite flower. They were like humans, closing up and sleeping in the night.

"Do you like that one?" Harry pulled his hand away, straightening swiftly. He turned, surprised by being snuck up on twice.

"Um, yes." His emerald eyes widened at the sight of Prince Fenir.

"A yellow tulip, representing hopeless love." Hadrian cursed himself for picking that flower out of all of them.

"I thought yellow was supposed to be a happy color." Greyback shrugged.

"Walk with me, I'll give you a tour of the gardens. Your friend Malfoy tells me that you enjoy evening walks." Hadrian winced. Lucius had told Greyback to come out. Lucius had told Fenir that he fancied him. The tall prince held out his arm patiently. Hadrian put his hand in the crook of Greyback's elbow.

"Did Lucius bother you too much?" Greyback chuckled, shaking his head and beginning to walk.

"He was nothing but pleasant, you don't have to worry." Hadrian looked up at the sky. A full moon shone beautifully against its navy backdrop.

"Telling me not to worry won't make me less concerned." Fenir paused, frowning.

"What do you mean?"

"Lucius is one of the greatest men I've met, there isn't a doubt about that. He just doesn't think before speaking, sometimes."

"I see. How long have you known each other?" They continued their leisurely stroll.

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