Christmas Day 10 (Lucius x Harry, Magical)

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On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me ten ladies dancing

Lucius Malfoy stared in awe. Not because of the ten witches dancing in perfect synchrony and not because of the many objects like candles and shiny crystals floating in the air. He stared in awe at the smiling wizard sitting besides him.

Eyes like precious jewels, hair as dark as a clear winter's night, and skin flushed with a healthy glow.

"What are you looking at?" Harry twisted around, trying to find the object of his husband's attention.

"You." He answered, smiling.

"Oh." Harry laughed softly so he didn't disturb people sitting near them.

"How am I supposed to concentrate on the ballet? Your beauty is too distracting." The smaller wizard's Head came to rest on his shoulder.

"Sorry." He focused back on the dancers, but unconsciously played with the wedding band on his ring finger.

The witches twirled with grace and elegance that only came with hours upon hours of traffic. Their costumes of every color imaginable flowed like water, movements never seeming to cease.

They danced as though the music was a part of them, and Harry figured it must have been.

He wouldn't have been able to tell if any mistakes were made.

"Oh Lucius they're just so beautiful! Merlin, it must have taken forever to get this down perfectly." The blond nodded, his right arm snaking around Harry's shoulders.


"Muggles have ballets too. I believe they must be equally as beautiful. We should see one someday." Lucius wasn't fond of the idea of going into the muggle world, but he would go if Harry went.

"Have you ever seen one before?"

"No, this is my first for muggle or wizard. I've seen them on films before, though." Lucius may not have completely understood what films were or how they worked, but he nodded nonetheless.

"You like it so far?" Harry nodded eagerly.

"Of course! I get to spend time with you and see this whole spectacle at the same time. Both are... mesmerising." Lucius leaned over to kiss his cheek quickly.

"Why, you know exactly how to get to my heart." Harry chuckled, giving him a playful look.

"Ah, yes. All I must do is compliment you." The blond pouted.

"Don't be mean."

"I was just teasing, my dear. You can make it fair by making fun of me if you want."

"Your potion making skills are tragic." Harry nodded.

"I know, but that's just a fact. Try again."

"Agh, this is hard! Even your flaws are beautiful. How am I supposed to tease you?"

"Flaws make us human, dear, so of course they're beautiful. If I were in your position, I'd make fun of my glasses or something. Muggles sometimes call people with glasses 'four-eyes'."

"I see. Muggles are quite odd."

"Yes, yes they are. Now try to pay attention." Harry assumed their talking was distracting, so stopping was probably the best way to avoid being hexed.

Lucius smiled, pulling his arm back and resettling his arm on Harry's thigh.

The younger wizard put his own hand over Lucius's, giving it a soft squeeze.
He tried his best to not show his distraction from the less than subtle touches.

A/N: kinda short, but whatever. Simon Says by NCT 127 is honestly such a bop and those who disagree can square up.

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