Consistency (Draco x Harry)

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"Harry, wake up." Draco shook his shoulder until Harry groaned and rubbed his eyes, stifling a yawn.


"Just past seven."

"M'kay." Harry stood, "Want breakfast?"

"Sure." Valo, a white fur ball curled up on the furniture, stretched and jumped off the couch. He waited patiently for his food dish to be filled. Harry grinned at the dog.

"Feed Valo for me." Harry said, walking into the kitchen. He grabbed eggs and milk from the fridge and put bread in the toaster. "Scrambled or fried?" The black haired male turned, waiting for his friend's answer.

"Scrambled." Potter smiled, Draco always had the same breakfast: scrambled eggs, a mug of black coffee, and toast. "I haven't seen you eat anything other than this for breakfast... ever." The blond's lips quirked into a smirk.

"I enjoy consistency."

"I know! You'd probably have a heart attack if I made waffles for breakfast and forced you to drink orange juice." Harry giggled at Draco's exasperated look.

"Oh shush, you." Harry finished making the eggs and put the food on plates.

He set the plates on the table and gracefully sat, Draco didn't touch his food.

"What's wrong? You know that I was kidding, I didn't mean to hurt your feeli-"

"Nothing's wrong, you didn't hurt my feelings." Harry scowled.

"You'd better tell me what's wrong."

"What will you do if I don't?" Draco crossed his arms.

"I care about you, Draco. Don't turn me away." The blond's eyes softened at Harry's gentle voice.

"It's really nothing, you don't need to worry."

"I will call your father." Draco groaned.

"Noooo, I swear that nothing is wrong."  Harry got up and quickly ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

He took out his phone and dialled Lucius Malfoy's number.

"Hello?" Lucius answered, Draco pounded on the door.

"I swear to god, Harry!" He growled.

"Hi Lucius, it's Harry. It occurred to me today that Draco is acting odd. He's not his cheerful self and hasn't made fun of me once. Have any idea as to what might be bothering him?" There was a pause as Lucius tried to think of what was bugging his son.

"I haven't a clue. Draco is probably just not feeling well."

"Oh, well thanks. Love you, bye." Harry hung up.

"Did you just say that you love my father?!" Draco cried, still trying to open the door.

"Yeah. You probably haven't realised, but we talk a lot. I seriously had dinner with him like three days ago." Harry unlocked the door and opened it, smiling apologetically. "I'm just worried, Draco." The blond huffed, frowning.

"You didn't need to call my father." Harry went up on his tiptoes and gave Draco a hug.

"Remember that you can always talk to me." He pulled away, laughing at Draco's surprised face. "It's not like I've never hugged you before! We've been friends for like ten years!" The blond flushed.

"You're so damn annoying." He mumbled.

"It's my job to annoy you, now stop blushing and eat your breakfast!" Harry pushed him until he sat down at the table and poked him until he started eating.

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