Valentine's Day (Blaise x Harry)

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Blaise slipped his shoes off as he entered the apartment.

"Mio caro, are you home?" Not getting a response didn't alarm him. Harry's shoes and coat were still there, hinting that he most likely was as well.

The Italian quietly walked into the small living room, smiling at what he saw.

Harry was curled up with their dog named Polpetto on the couch. He slept soundly, a peaceful look on his face. Blaise managed to find a place to sit besides them.

Zabini ran his fingers through Potter's hair, eliciting a smile. One of Harry's jade eyes popped open.

"I didn't hear you come in." He said softly, sitting up.

Polpetto awoke as well, hurrying to sniff and lick Blaise.

"Happy Valentine's Day! Will you forgive me for making you wait?" Harry pretended to consider it for a minute.

"Oh, if I must. How was work?" He gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek.

"Eh. I just wanted to be here with you the whole time."

"Well we're together now. You know, the oddest thing happened today. A bouquet of lilies was sent to my office anonymously. I haven't the slightest idea of who it was." Blaise grinned cheekily.

"Whoever sent it must really love you." Harry smiled shyly.

"If it's who I hope it is, then he'd better know I love him more than he thinks. I love how he always comes to me with a smile even when he's sad. I love how he hold me when I'm scared. I love how he shows that he cares with little gestures. And I love how damn handsome he is." Blaise gave him a satisfied look.

"Thank you... it feels so good to just hear that." Harry laughed and pulled Blaise to his chest.

"You don't have to thank me baby." He gently stroked the nape of his boyfriend's neck.

"Well I feel like I should. It's not every day someone finds a boyfriend like you. Bloody gorgeous, sweet, and the greatest man I've ever met." They kissed again, still chastely.

"Let's order Chinese." Blaise nodded, taking his phone out to call the nearest Chinese place.

"What do you want?" Harry thought for a money before listing off a few things.


"Done?" Blaise nodded sleepily. He was full, warm, and very relaxed. Harry picked his plate up and put it in the sink.

Potter quickly came back to plop down besides Blaise, lying his head on the Italian's shoulder.

"What now?" Blaise glanced at his wristwatch.

"To the bedroom?" Harry smirked, pulling Zabini to his feet.

"Wonderful idea!" They hurried, shutting and locking the door so Polpetto couldn't get in.

A/N: kinda short, I know. Don't blame me though, I was only planning on writing something for Royalty (another story of mine that I just shamelessly promoted). I'm spending my Valentine's Day with you guys I guess! If I could send you all chocolate, flowers, and cheesy cards, I would!

P.s, I finished this less than 10 minutes to 12 am :)

P.p.s, 'Mio caro' means my dear and 'Polpetto' means meatball in Italian

P.p.p.s, I'm very sorry for not updating in more than a month <3 I've been trying to get further into Royalty

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