Home Pt. 5

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"Finally, tame those damn beasts!" Lucius cried, seeing that Harry had come back.

"Good god! Do you ever stop whining? I am currently occupied." Harry hissed, though he whistled sharply at Merlin and Godric. They stopped growling at Lucius and came to his side. Godric circled around Harry a few times. "Ok, everyone sit down." They did as Harry said, transfiguring more chairs. "Now, who is hurt?" The elder Malfoy, Severus, and Luna raised their hands. "Draco, help your father if you know how. Neville, heal Luna." The wizards hesitated. "For Merlin's sake, get to work! For all we know, the Order could be apperating here this moment!" His strict voice raised a few eyebrows, but made everyone do their jobs.

Harry went to stand by his past professor.

"Where?" Snape pointed to major cuts along his arms and legs from hexes. The younger wizard quickly healed them with simple spells. "Anything else? Did you hit your head while falling or something?"

"No, I was already crouched down pretty low and didn't hit anything important."

"Good, good." Harry turned to watch the others. Neville and Draco seemed to know what they were doing.

Soon enough, everyone was healed and feeling the slightest bit better.

"I expect everyone to stay here. You will not apperate back to the battle under any circumstances. I will come back once it is over. Understood?"

"Why are you going back? I don't know if we should trust you to help the dark side." Lucius sneered.

"There are several reasons why I've brought you back here. You, Malfoy, are the only person I have one reason for." Harry turned on his heel, not seeing the look of worry on Fenrir's face.


Harry crept along the shadows to observe the battle taking place. It was mostly light wizards left, which was surprising. Deatheaters circled around Voldemort to protect him.

Dumbledore and McGonagall stood side by side, wands out. They were slowly exterminating members of the dark.

While they were doing this, Harry snuck up behind a wizard he clearly recognized.

"Moony." He whispered, catching the man's attention. Lupin spun around, wand out. The past professor's eyes widened, pulling Harry to a safer place from the fight.

He immediately began looking for any signs of injuries.

"Cub, I thought you were dead!" Remus whispered once his little inspection was over. Harry smiled, relieved to see the man.

"I need your help for a big decision."

"Oh dear." Was all Lupin mumbled.

"I'd consider you to be neutral in this war. I can make either side win quite easily, even with the losses so far."

"Go on." Remus looked around to make sure no one had noticed them.

"The first choice is that the dark wins. It would overall be easier to do. The pros are that a few of my... friends will live happily. The cons are world domination and you probably being killed, which I don't want." The werwolf frowned.

"You have friends on the dark side?" Harry's shoulders sagged.

"Well, yes. I know you won't like this at all, but I'm very close with Fenrir Greyback." Remus looked taken aback.

"But If you help the light win... then you can't stay close. He'll be sent off to Azkaban." Harry nodded.

"If the light wins, then you will be safe. Fenrir and Draco's family will not. However, we can probably convince everyone that they aren't evil. I mean, they have helped me."

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