Bloodied Angel (Prologue)

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A/N: Hey, buds. How's your dias/noches going? So sorry about not updating for a while. This is just an idea that popped into my head. It's just a bit of an explanation of what's going on in this fantasy world of mine, maybe a little prologue. If you like it, I'll try to make it into an actual story.

Setting : kinda a muggle + wizard world. I was thinking of a world where muggles and wizards work together. There would be a war going on, not sure about what yet. I think muggles and wizards fight on one side together and just wizards fight on the other side. Maybe like a civil war? Possibly around 1850s?

Plot: Author doesn't have much figured out, but I'm thinking that it should be about Harry and is life as a doctor in war. Not sure who he'll be shipped with, but that can be decided in the comments. Wizards revealed themselves to muggles so they could fight together. Author imagines that Harry is on the side with wizards and muggles. Maybe he was captured by opposing side (wizards) for questioning?

               Characters (Main)

Harry Potter
Occupation: Doctor
Side: Muggles and Wizards
Physical description: Green eyes, black shoulder-length hair, slim figure, kinda short 'cause author said so
Personality: Gentle, motherly, will bitch-slap someone if needed

James Potter
Occupation: Soldier
Side: Muggles and Wizards
Physical description: Hazel eyes, brown hair, taller than Harry
Personality: Jokester, protective over Harry, charismatic

Albus Dumbledore
Occupation: General
Side: Muggles and Wizards
Physical description: Blue eyes, red hair and beard, lanky.
Personality: Treats everyone equally, a bit manipulative, 'no man left behind' policy

Lucius Malfoy
Occupation: Soldier
Side: Wizards
Physical description: Silver eyes, fair hair pulled back into a ponytail, very elegant-looking
Personality: A little narcissistic, always serious, pretty loyal

Severus Snape
Occupation: Scout
Side: Wizards
Physical description: Slightly greasy black hair, gaunt face, thin
Personality: Unhappy, stern, sneers a lot

Tom Riddle
Occupation: General
Side: Wizards
Physical description: Dark brown hair, crimson eyes, tall and slightly muscular
Personality: Charming, sly, intelligent

Draco Malfoy
Occupation: Soldier
Side: Wizards
Physical description: Looks a lot like Lucius, but shorter
Personality: Doesn't question orders, obedient, nervous


Harry sat in the tent patiently, waiting for his brother to arrive. The curtain opened, a tall sandy-blond haired man entered.

Harry Potter got to his feet, frowning.

"Where is James?" Remus placed hand on Harry's shoulder.

"He's alive." The emerald eyed male stiffened, shoving the hand away.

"I didn't ask you that, Lupin." He pulled the white curtain of the tent aside. His eyes darted around wildly, settling on a limping man. "James!" Harry cried, running over to him. The limping man looked up, eyes wide. Sirius Black struggled to keep James on his feet.

James grabbed Harry's hand, holding it tightly.

"Mind helping me back to the tent?" Harry fought back tears, finding the strength to practically drag his brother to the tent.

James laid down on a bed, grunting in pain.

"What happened?" Harry scanned his brother for an injury. James pointed to a gash on his thigh.

"Someone got me with a damn curse." Harry took his wand out.

"Why didn't one of you just heal it?"

"We tried to, it won't close." Sirius blurted out. The younger Potter chewed on his bottom lip as he thought.

"I've heard of a curse that can't be healed magically."

"What the hell do we do now?!" Harry scowled, lightly slapping Sirius upside the head.

"How do you think Muggles heal themselves without magic?" Sirius rubbed the spot where he'd been hit.

"Oh, yeah." Harry found a roll of gauze and a bottle of antiseptic.

"This is gonna hurt, Jamie." Harry removed the cloth around James's wound and wet a flannel with antiseptic. "1, 2, -" Harry put the flannel on the wound and cleaned it as quickly as possible. James's face contorted in pain.

"I should've known you would do that." The doctor covered the injury with a clean bandage.

"You will not walk for at least two weeks. You will not spend time around the other soldiers unless they bathe first. You will not be around anyone that is ill. Are we understood?"  James nodded. "Wonderful. This goes for you two also. You must bathe before visiting and do not bother James if he is sleeping. If he requests something, do your best to retrieve it. Clear enough?" Sirius and Remus nodded. "Good. You are dismissed." The two soldiers left quickly.

"You baby me." James said with a grin, making Harry roll his eyes.

"I'm so glad you're ok. Now, tell me who did it?"

"I didn't see them." The younger brother scoffed.

"You lie."

"Fine, fine. It was Dolohov." Harry's lip curled in disgust.

"Sleep." He stood up,  "I love you." James pulled Harry down so he could kiss his forehead.

"I love you too. Be careful on your walk." Harry nodded, smiling.


Harry breathed in the cool air, white tendrils escaped his mouth as he exhaled.

"Isn't it a bit cold to be outside without a coat, Potter?" Harry spun around where he stood.

"Only for those with hearts of ice, Malfoy." Malfoy's blonde hair swirled around in the breeze. He smirked.

"Such as myself? I don't remember you being so poetic, James." Harry didn't let his shock show.

"I'm surrounded, aren't I?" Malfoy nodded. Harry held back mad laughter. He couldn't believe they thought he was James!

"I'll go down easily if it means I won't be hurt." A man behind Harry chuckled.

"Not all of us are morons. I highly doubt even the dumbest of us would believe that." Potter's green eyes glinted in the moonlight.

"I suppose you'd be right." Harry pulled his handgun from its holster, cocked it, and fired. He shot nine times, all aiming for Dolohov. The first were rushed, second three were calculated, and the last three were almost random. Dolohov fell, unable to put up a shield fast enough. Soon after, Harry fell as a 'stupify' spell was shot at him.

A/N: Do you guys think it would be successful? Comment who you want Harry shipped with, it can really be anyone in the Harry Potter world except for James. James is Harry's brother. I'll make a post on my message board about what ship wins. I will do this by the most popular request, don't be angry if you don't get what you wanted.

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