Fortnite: Battle Royale*

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***Authors Note: Don't be hesitant to ask any questions or leave positive criticism as you read through this book. All of you can make this book awesome and I'm taking all comments into consideration!


Welcome to Battle Royale. The deadly game where the weak battle the strong. The time is 2042, and the world has become infested with undead and mutated indescribable creatures, known as Husks.

Now people, special people, called Heroes made a rocket to travel off world. And these rocketeers wanted the best Heroes within a limited number of 120 people, but there are billions of people on the planet earth to choose from.

So they created a system called,
Battle Royale.

But, prior to that there was the 'great fear of extinction', which also prematurely escalated 'space research'. You see, there was this gigantic meteor named, 'The Destroyer', and it was headed straight for humanity in the year, 2038,  which is four years before the present time. Many solutions and plans from around the globe were proposed on how to bring destruction to the meteor named, The Destroyer. The most foolish solution mankind could possibly of chosen was indeed chose, and it did end up turning the earth into an infested hellhole.

Here's what happened,

The United States launched a nuclear warhead that traveled millions of miles from Earth's atmosphere, that was not even an inch close to the Earths circular orbit. The goal was to destroy the meteor from afar and have the tiny meteorites (the size of New York City) burn up in the sky, but they didn't.

This wasn't a normal meteor, this was unlike anything man had seen before, it was almost indestructible. But why? There are lots of unanswered questions, and intricacies that have yet to be explained, and man has become distraught in its aftermath.

After nuclear collision, the enormous meteor broke into smaller meteorites that surged through the atmosphere, never burning up, but plummeting and impacting the Earth. The meteorites each contained in themselves living-radiation and beast from an unknown galaxy. This living-radiation had caused some, if not all the beasts living within each meteor to mutate into deadly monsters.

In 2039, the entire world plunged into absolute chaos and darkness as mankind began confronting the new demons of hell. After these beasts had been released from the meteors, fires broke out to kill the hellish beasts, guns and flamethrowers were the new currency, and combat experienced commanders were the new presidents. Nothing came easy for the so called, Heroes of the day, as they attempted to forge a one way ticket off earth and out of hell.

There were four Heroes, specifically, who spent a restless year building and engineering to create a rocket to the planet called, "Outer Heaven."

And this rocket ship could only hold a limited amount of the best and strongest people, so they established a 'Battle Royale system' and put it into action. This rigorous "game system" finds 120 of the best one and strongest in each major country.

The rules for this system were simple.

Participants signed a deathbound contract and were placed into several locations around the globe, where the game is sectioned into districts. Some areas are in the jungles of Southern Africa, some in cities in North America, valleys in Spain, and deserts in the Middle East. The creators, the Heroes, had cleverly placed multiple chests containing items the contestants would need as they played the game. Nobody can explain how they built "Battle Royale" so quickly, but the answer might be found by those who win the game.

Some might say that nano-machines materialized all the objects, because of how the dead participants dematerialize instantaneously, it must be them. These nano machines are named, Reaper Drones, as they are only ever seen in the location of dead participants. The very sight of these Reapers Drones give men the chills, and never did any man wish to have one flying over their dematerialized corpse, men shudder at the thought.

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