34: The Final Facility in Vegas

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The gang was ready to leave. With their packed bags in their hands, they stepped foot on the blue, war torn Battle Bus and kissed the Squadron facility bye.

Each of the members had said bye to their friends. Alex waved bye to Andromeda, Emma farewelled the park, Erin had left the peaceful woods with a tear of joy for what it had held for her. Last, but not least, Aaron waved bye at Sukaja Bar where he had gotten drunk and shot pool balls of the table drunk.

Louis had received a underhanded gift from Simone as proceeding as a mentor in technology under him for a considerable amount of time.

"Founder Metal?" Louis said as he had held a chunk of purple vaporized metal.

"Don't let the FORTNITE officials see you with that. Experiment with it, master its properties and you should hold a powerful weapon." Simone told him.

Louis knew what the metal can do. It binds itself on human psychological properties. He wondered if he could make a psychological weapon of war with this power.

"I will do."

As the gang left, Aaron sat behind BR 2.0 for the deal he had upheld. As he waltzed up the bus stairs, BR 2.0 was surprised he was alive for this long.

"Aaron!" He whirled as he spat steam from his ears.

Aaron sat behind him as the gang sat in the middle of the bus. BR 2.0 hummed nervously with his worn voice box.

"What's the matter? Didn't expect me to live this long for the deal?"

Bob didn't respond. "I did propose a deal, so I guess I gotta tell you the truth."

Yes. The secret of the fallen bus was going to be if Aaron's knowledge. Why it was so important from him? He didn't even know himself!

"I used to ride that bus in the first FORTNITE System. When the riots happened, FORTNITE shut down all systems including me. As I was taking the Heroes back from their won match for their reward, I disabled and crashed the bus."


"The Heroes." The sobbed by his mournful tone. "They carried me on their sore backs and... gave me a new reason to work."

Aaron lifted his hands up. "Woah there, Bob. Don't get emotional now."

Bob sniffled. "You're right."

"That's all? That's all I've been risking my ass for?"

Bob whirled his head. "Yup!"

Aaron shifted his gaze to the side and puffed. "Should've expected less."

"Aaron!" Alex shouted as Aaron turned his head behind the high rises seat, only exposing his eyes upward to Alex.

"Why aren't you over here?" She asked in a pissed tone.

"Go on." Bob sniffled. "I need to contain myself."

"You sure you'll be ok?" Aaron asked sympathetically.


Aaron scooted himself beside Alex's empty spot beside her and dropped his duffle bag by his feet in the floor. Emma and Erin sat beside the two and Louis sat behind Aaron with an empty spot.

"I wonder what Vegas will be like." Emma said gazing in her own imagination. "All the neon and fluorescent casino lights blazing up the stellar cosmic sky." She said dreamily. "Big bosses dropping millions of dollars on casino chips and blackjack bets."

Aaron shook is head. "Don't buy into the stereotype crap! All it is is a shitton of gold diggers, hookers, and beggars."

The gang didn't bother to reply to a slanderous statement about Vegas. But Alex did interfere as expected.

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