39: The Actual Ghost of Day's Past

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As Brody snapped his pencil in two, he released the prison bars from a horrendous creature living inside.

Hecatonchieres, a hundred handed, 50 head beast in Greek mythology. It stood 20 feet tall from a 1:3 ratio of the beast from the tales told about it, which came to 60 feet tall.
"I'm Hecatoncheires. Let you use me for anything that desires you."

"Crafty, what do we do about this? Haven't you seen anything like this?"

Tÿr hesitated to respond. "No, never I have. Just be careful, Aaron. It might be able to still land hits even if it's in a phantom form." 

Brody sprawled his arms widely and so did the beast as if he mimicked the host.

"Looks like it is powering the host its power." Tÿr observed.

"None of this Awakener bullshit makes any sense. It's like I'm living in a different universe or something. No, wait a minute! You're the things that brought me into a different one." Aaron mumbled as he had gotten delirious. "This is stupid!"

"Aaron!" Tÿr bellowed furiously in Aaron's mind. "Focus!"

Aaron shook his head and obeyed. "Yeah. I guess these pencils have some weird things too like you things."

"What are you mumbling or there?" Brody acidic voice cracked.

"Uh... nothing."

"Cut the chit chat! You're going down!"

Brody leaped towards Aaron with a purple glowing menacing punch to his disposal. Aaron dove out the way of its path and Brody destroyed the metal mall who was standing behind.

"Try not to get punched, or else." Tÿr advised.

"Yeah, Captain Obvious." Aaron dryly joker as he dusted himself off. "Now how the hell am I going to get close to him without falcon punching me?"

"We could try the electric dagger again."

"Really, Crafty? Are you actually trying to get me killed?"

"Never. We need your teammates."

Saber and Erin observed the battle from the FORTNITE Overseers perspective. Nothing was out of place when Aaron and Brody were fighting in the electric cube. When Brody had snapped his pencil, the cameras didn't pick anything up.

"I hope Aaron gets out of that fistfight alive. It seems that the others had taken down the others just fine." Erin prayed.

The waiting cabin with dozens of screens and seats flared red sirens for a orbital drop request. The two looked down at their wristpad and found Aaron needing request.

"I'll go." Saber offers.

"You sure?"

Saber nodded. "This is my fight as well. I hated the punk coming into my ramen shop all high and mighty."

As Saber walked off the edge of the lowering department area like a cargo ship, he braced himself and whispered. "Asuku, be of my aid."

The pencil flared a purple light and Saber was off to the rescue.

"Alex! You need to go back atlas get healed! You're not in good shape!" Louis advised.

"No. I can fight!" She pleaded as she collapsed onto Louis.

Saber swiftly glides to the two and sticks to the landing swiftly.

Saber looked at the war torn Alex and nodded "Seems like you have no choice now. You must go."

Alex disappeared in a blue hologram and appeared at the waiting cabin holding her shoulder. Erin darted over in her aid and fixed her up with a bandage and a chilled blueberry flavored Slurp juice the cabin had to offer.

"Where's Aaron?" Saber asked with his pencil clutched in his hand.

Emma pointed over toward the metal cubical with Dècés on the ground in front of her.

Saber non verbally nodded and began his way.

As Aaron dodged a few close calls, he felt like he was getting nowhere the past minute. Even if he had reached for his weapons, Brody would sucker punch him the opening chance he had.

"This... is something I've never seen." Saber said as he stood on top of the metal wall.

Aaron raised an eyebrow "Saber?"

Kenshin dropped down and faced Brody and the beast.

"Come, Eguzekyūta!" Saber cries as a long bladed katana materialized in his hand from the Pencil.

"He gets a katana?" Aaron said to Tÿr.

"We will battle!" Saber cried as he held his katana beside his face.

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