31: Finishing the War, With a Dance

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After the speech that was spoken by the charismatic Devin, the gang was woke, including Erin.

The speech that was created by Alex, Louis, and Emma held a lot of interesting concepts throughout the essay to bring the masses together. The aspects of kills to death ratio was 42:2. Every 42 kills for every 2 deaths on Kryptic specifically that past 3 faction games. With Emma's creative works of art, she novels the essay with beautiful and evoking adjectives to make the essay more enjoyable to the ears. Most importantly, Alex's initiative had drove each member to commit themselves to the finale. She mentions that FORTNITE forces them to fight against each other in the Finale. Wether it's in the U.K., the United States, Canada, or wherever they're from. They can positively say that their brothers and sisters had brought them there to the finals.

With those words in mind, Kryptic had raised their wristpads in unity with the KA on their screens and chanted. "FINALE."

Before the match in the preparation area, Erin was greeted with the three. Alex and Emma raised an eyebrow, while Louis grinned with a inconspicuous grin.



Alex pointed at the two. "So you two know each other?"

"Yeah, remember the night you pissed me off. I met her in the woods." Aaron noted while nervously beading sweat down his forehead.

"Can she whoop ass?"

Everyone looked at Erin for an answer.

"I can say myself that I'm good." She said as her knuckles were cracked.

"It's fine by me."

If she was fine with it, Aaron was happy.

"The Erin-Aaron duo." Aaron smiled.

Erin nodded in agreeably. "I like that."

"Alright, lovers. Chit chat's over; we got some people to kill." Alex interrupted.

"Killing? I thought that's out of your nature, Alex?" Aaron said.

She darted her head towards Aaron, sending her hair flying over her shoulders. "We are deep in the game. It's about that time I left my innocent past self already."

That scared Aaron, but scraped by Erin. She was used to death right about now.

In the grand finale match, Erin was a monster. As she was an expertise with a knife, she'd jerk weapons out her foe's hand and slash them with a 9 inch blade she finds in the arena. As she holsters the knife on her forearm, it was easily accessible if she finds herself in a sticky situation. Aaron would mentor under Erin, but in a fight he rather stick with his guns because you know the saying. Why bring a knife to a gunfight?

Nothing less, she was good at what she prefers, sharp ended objects. As her blade was drenched with blood, she would wipe it off with her fingers and whip her hand in the air. Literally splashing blood on everything around her, including people as well. Aaron had fallen victim to her bloody hurricane and ruined his hair. Erin hadn't known about the hair, so Aaron so kindly asked for her to keep his hair off limits.

With the final kill being the Nexus leader, Kryptic and Anthrax stood strong beside each other with their fists in the air. This grand finale couldn't have been won without sacrifices. Bryce, Kirstov, has all given their life for the safety of others. With Bryce burning to death in the storm and Kirstov getting crushed by a collapsing brick building. None of those deaths were swift; they were painful to bear they imagined.

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