10: More than a Robot*

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Bob had gotten off the job and parked the war torn Battle Bus in the facility where it had belonged. He was dismounted from his mechanical seat from a mechanized arm that descended from the roof of the bus. It had disconnected him and placed him on a factory line of robot legs. Bob whirled its head in exhaustion as he was being connected by plugs and outlet pieces with a blue spark. As his configuration was complete, he was able to move.

Now with Bob on the FORTNITE transportation team, he had met up with the other robots in the resting area. This resting area was a large break room where robots chit chat, guzzled oil, and clean their abused circuitry. It was a robotics society separated from the human on the second floor. This floor had overseen everything in the facility. This floor also had access to security cameras around the facility. 2.0 Security bots had overseen these operations and had the ability to dispatch order bots in case fights ever broke out among the crowd. This is what robots like Bob did on a daily basis.

Bob was special than the other robots he strides with. He was one out of very few robots to be revoked from scrapping. Most of the 1.0 robots have been scrapped to metal, but not Bob. He had a special place in the Heroes hearts. When the government didn't run FORTNITE anymore, they, as in Heroes, had complete control over everything as they so righteously deserved. Bob had knew the deal with the fallen bus in the Central Arena map that everyone came across and wanted to know the story. Funny thing was,

Bob had driven that fallen bus.

Bob's memory couldn't go far as to when he was created since memory couldn't allow it, but he did vividly remember when that bus had crashed. The government disownment of FORTNITE had happened in the beginning of the last Squad match between Russian and Austrian squads from different parts of the world. Bob was driving the Heroes towards the arena where Bob had shut down. This is where he had to be filled in by the Heroes.

The Heroes had an mandatory parachute on the hill where the bus had crashed. With Bob all damaged with wires and sparks trickling out of his metal frame, they had a choice wether to leave him or not. The Heroes had told Bob that they carried him along with the victory they had earned. The only reason why they had to win was because the game was still in effect. They couldn't have just left; the storm was still in effect. When FORTNITE was shut down, the Heroes had nothing to go back to. FORTNITE facilities was abandoned completely, Battle bus routes were canceled. The 4 Heroes had to walk on foot to the closest one with a 150 pound robot on their shoulders. Bob had felt a sense of purpose when he had drove that new battle bus, or just to be placed in such a lovable place in their hearts. When he worked, he always had thought to himself that out of all of those billion participants, 120 chosen ones were about to be selected. That's the reason Bob was so happy, the impatience and anticipation of the heightened battle.

Funny enough, you might be wondering how he transports billions of participants by one robot named BR2.0. He had been cloned by the Heroes, but Bob was like the mother of all those robots. And by chance, sheer fucking chance, Aaron was talking to him.

Andromeda had woken up the bedridden participant in the clinic. She had noticed and morphed into a state of remorse from her eye. He nodded and looked over towards his right to find the heart rate monitor. Resting at 70 bpm, he was near healthy.

"What's today?" He coughed as his throat was dry from all the rest he had done.

"Sunday." A female robotic voice had answered.

The participant looked on the other side of his shoulder to find the robot eyeballing him.



Brody looked up towards the lights and blinded himself accidentally. Brody squinted and attempted to sit himself up and the bed. Adromeda insisted on sitting him down by pushing his chest down by her wired robotic arm.

"I don't want those precious organs to be damaged any further." She said as she turned towards her abnormal selection of tools to modify her arm with.

Brody sounded irritated. "How long do I have to stay here."

"Another week. Right now we are going to conduct physical therapy. Making sure that everything should be working properly."

Brody growled in annoyance. "I just want to get back on the field and kill that bitch, Aaron."

"So you got a grudge on this "Aaron dude?"

Brody looked at Adromeda's single blue eye and tightened his jaw. "You know him?"

"I've haven't seen him in person, but he is sure making a name for himself."

Brody had remembered the time Aaron had threatened him for no reason. Maybe it was to make the game more dramatic, who knows what goes through that douche's mind.

"I figure. He tricked me."

Adromeda made a robotic hum.

"He fooled us by his shit crafting ability. It's like, he out in a different poker face when he exposed himself to the public. He tricked people by making them assume his crafting skill is shit, but his was on another level from mine. Now that I had disposed of Aaron's Founder Pencil. The next time we meet one another, Aaron would be at a total disadvantage."

"Seems like you have a plan all sorted out."

"Yeah." Brody growled. "It's a matter of time before we meet again. That's if he survives longer than me."

"Or the flip side."

"Doubting me? Quite fitting for an emotionless robot."

Adromeda had noticed his anger and silenced her voice box to prevent any further damage to Brody's heart. It pained her to hear that she was heartless to other people. She was just a hunk of metal preventing her from revealing her true intentions.

"Let's hurry up and get this physical over with. I got a name to prove... and don't make me do anything stupid."

Bob was called in upon a request from the Heroes from an integral comms inside Bob's head. They had demanded an... odd request. The Heroes had known about the rivalry between Brody and Aaron and times were growing tense the past week. Drama had been stale in the facility. They wanted an icon other than themselves. A person of recognition, hope, faith, and best of all skill.

What they wanted was a new addition to Heroes. Not just the four, but 2 additions of the finest capable hands Battle Royale can muster. They had requested a sudden popularity increase in Aaron and Brody. Methods were preferably billboard and posters next to arena schedules, but it wasn't mandatory. Bob could do whatever he had to do to get their name out there. He had one strategy that can prove quite useful.


Andromeda wasn't for all this drama nonsense. She had feelings like Bob had for an AI robot. In the situation Andromeda is in, she is just like Bob, a clone. The real robot was created by the Heroes when they were ravaging through Hell on Earth. She was the actual Andromeda that treated their wounds. They are exactly identical in every aspect whatsoever. If she had an upgrade, all the other clones do by order. It caused a sense of familiarity when the victors of the game gets a chance to meet her. But for Andromeda, who knew this, she thinks that it ruins the expectations. However, she was grateful that she was just like her mother figure. In terms of feeling, act, her overall self.

The name Andromeda was given to her by the Heroes and was adopted ever since she was saved. She was saved from a husk ridden hospital in New York City. She was the best doctor, surgeon AI ever made, but she acted more than an AI. Her motherboard was near fried as sparks trickled off her circuitry. The same instance for Bob transferred over to Andromeda. The Heroes thought it would be a waste of creation and repaired her and made her their own. The name Andromeda goes back into Greek mythology. Daughter of the Ethiopian king, Cepheus. She was chained naked to a rock from Poseidon as divine punishment, but she was saved by Perseus. It was the same scenario for Andromeda, but not the punishment or relation to family part. Who knew if she had a husband or something. She didn't remember who created her since her memory doesn't recall such a long time like Bob. Now she recognizes her creator as the Heroes, like Bob. She always has a cheerful expression from her voice box, a dying need to help. A selfless robot indeed.

Both of these robots have many things in common, but there's one thing they vowed to. That thing is to always go by the Heroes orders, no matter the circumstance.

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