3: The New Man in Town*

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The inevitable matchup began, Aaron vs. Brody. Brody knew this was going to happen, Aaron as well.

The two self capable participants stood around 200 meters away from each other. Aaron gripping his SCAR firmly, Brody did with his pistol and Founder Pencil in each hand.

"Look who it is! Man, am I quite excited to see YOU!" Aaron shouted above the river the two were standing in, soaking their combat pants.

"Save the talk. Let's get to it." Brody grimaced.

Aaron formed a puppy face. "Aww. I'd wanted a, get to know you type talk. But oh well, time to shoot!" He cried out loud as he unleashed bullet towards Brody.

"Anticipated!" He cried as he formed a wooden wall in front of him instantly.

"Okay. You got moves." Aaron confessed as he lowered his barrel. "Let's see how you'll fair with my gunplay first, before I get Crafty out and play!"

"What? Crafty?" Brody uttered as he formed a stairs behind his wooden wall and fired at Aaron with his scoped rifle.

Direct Hit! Aaron collapsed behind a rock and clutched his calve where he was shot at. "Damn. Did he get better over a course of a day!?"

Aaron applied bandages and sealed the wound with 2 baby potions from the blue parent potion and formed a physical barrier.
"Gah, I'll show that fucking Brody who's he dealing with."

Aaron rolled onto his belly and shot down the weakened wall and then his stairs in a quick second or two with the SCAR's quick fire Rate. Brody knew this would happen and decided to spread out his cover. He'd created 10 brick walls side by side for a little strength.

Aaron shook his head in disapproval, "I'm done playing games. I just want to end this charade, once and for fuckin all!"

Aaron reached beside his belt and yanked out his yellow wooden Founder's Pencil and grinned at its nostalgic sight for him.

"I'd never done good in school, Crafty. But I'd hope you can school this idiot."

Aaron felt a slight hum in reply and coursed the pencil through his fingers and threw the flipping yellow circle and caught it with the point upwards. "Hah! Perfect every time!"

Brody shot and cracked the rock Aaron was hiding behind and was met with a metal wall materializing. "Huh?"

"I'm tired of playing games, kid!" Aaron shouted towards Brody. "I'm ending this, just like I've done the last four damn Selection games!"

"Oh my god!" Brody snapped sarcastically. "I'm scared!"

Aaron tightened his jaw and furrowed his brow. "Don't you ever mock me!"

He unslung his Golden Rocket Launcher and took aim at Brody's brick walls. "Big MAMA!" He cried as he fired the rockets decorated with sharks at the tips.

"Damn rocket." Brody said as he formed many more brick walls.

"Perfect." Aaron smiled as he built double stairs up towards the sky.

At the perfect height, Aaron made flooring and left Brody's wall of bricks in the shadows.

Brody raised a eyebrow "What the hell?" He looked up and found the sun blocked out by Aaron's sky fort. "Oh no. And I said he was shit at building."

"And a cherry on top." Aaron grinned as he formed a hole in the flooring directed just above Brody's head.

Brody found Aaron hunkering over him as he was a black figure with the sunlight casting above him. Just like the black figure, Grim, in his dream.

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