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The train ride was easy, Athena and I sitting quietly in a compartment while we watched the scenery pass. A woman came by and offered us candy which we happily accepted, munching on some chocolate and peppermint.

"It's really beautiful," Athena says, her eyes glued to the trees. "I wasn't expecting it be so... scenic."

I laugh, "You've never seen the English country side?"

"We aren't all as traveled as you Everett," She joked, throwing a piece of chocolate my way.

I duck as the candy whizzes past, "Hey! You could have seen it in pictures, or in a movie, I don't know?!"

She chuckles as she ties her hair up in a loose bun, lifting her feet up onto the bench and resting her head on the window. "I'm taking a nap, wake me up when we reach the castle..."

She dozes off while I watch students bustle past the door, a few looking in to see who was occupying the compartment. I listen in on some conversations about professors and classes; who was tough and who was easy, who gave out the most work and who didn't.

The train was emptier than I had anticipated, certainly fewer first years than I was imagining and seemingly, even less returning students. Their voices were often hushed, whispers and quick glances behind them as they strutted by the cabin Athena and I were in.

I shrugged it off, we knew transferring to Hogwarts could mean getting closer to you-know-who, and after our day in Diagon Alley yesterday, it wasn't a shock that students would be as curious as we were.

I press my head up against the glass, watching my thoughts float away as the train chugged along. Eventually the rolling hills give way to a glistening black lake that stretches out to a large cliff.

I gently tug on Athena's arm, her lashes fluttering open as she sucked in a sharp breath, "What is it? Are we here?"

"Look," I say pointing out the window. She turns her head and peaks as far forward as she can, the sunset reflecting on the water as the train turns slightly to the right.

The castle comes into full view, sitting a top a hill and extending all the way down to the blackness below. We both gasp as we take in the school in its entirety, the gothic structure that would soon be our new home.

Athena turns to me, her mouth hung open, "Wow... it's so different from Ilvermorny."

"I know," I agree, my eyes wide as we stare.

Ilvermorny was beautiful but Hogwarts was other worldly. Our previous school was a typical American colonial castle, the cream stones covered in vines and flowers. This was dark and serious, tucked away between a deep ominous lakes and crumbling rock. Both incredible incredible in their own right but completely different.

The train pulls in as we gather our things and stumble off, a Professor waiting on the other side to take our names. After we pass him we enter the castle and immediately get shuffled away with the rest of the first years to get sorted.

We walked silently through the halls as we make our way to the feast. The new students chat amongst themselves excitedly as Athena and I exchanged worried glances. We didn't have to speak, both of us knew what the other was thinking,

'How embarrassing.'

I caught my bottom lip between my teeth and chewed it raw, the excited sounds of friends reuniting muffled by the large oak doors we stood behind.

After what seemed like hours of introductions and speeches, we entered, the great hall before us bursting open as we are paraded between the house tables. I could feel thousands of eyes on my back as Athena and I rounded out the last of the newcomers.

I kept my gaze glued to my feet, to scared to make contact with anyone, as student after student got sorted, each house erupting in cheers as new members took their seats.

Eventually, it was Athena's turn. She stepped up to the chair and timidly sat down as I watched, holding my breath, the sorting hat slumping over her dirty blonde hair.

Her cheek twisted between her teeth from nerves, her eyes instinctively finding mine. I mustered up a smile and gave a little nod hoping to cheer her up.

"Ahh... One of two new Ilvermorny students..." The hat states. The great hall falls silent, the students whispering among themselves.

For the first time since entering, I look up and meet the curious eyes of the Hogwarts student body. The yellow colored house, Hufflepuff, were all smiling up at us, eager for potential new friends.

Blue Ravenclaw looked at us nonchalantly, a air of intellectual superiority about them, like it wouldn't make a difference to them if we joined.

The red Gryffindor's seemed hungry, all of them hunched forward excitedly, ready to hear where we would be placed. I also happened to notice a few fellow redheads in the crowd whose eyes lingered on me longer than the other students.

Then there was Slytherin, the house my mother and aunt always told me about when they rehashed their quidditch playing years.


"Evil, they are..." Aunt Cynthia said over a steaming cup of tea.

My mother chuckled, batting her sister on the shoulder. "Now Thea, it's not their fault you all stunk at quidditch!"

"They weren't just ruthless on the pitch!" She retorts. "Most of  'he-who-must-not-be-named' followers are from Slytherin house."

My mother recoiled slightly at her words, "Must just be a coincidence..."


I'm jolted back to reality as the hat bellows again, "A Horned Serpent..."

My eyes dart behind me in hopes of regaining my composure, but I'm met with never ending table of professors. I shudder as a tired looking, stringy black haired man stares at me. His gaze burns sharply through me as I breath deeply, whipping back around deciding staring at the hat was a better option.

Despite having no actual facial features, it contorts itself to look displeased above Athenas small head, "You're a smart young girl... easy to get along with... Where will you be a better fit..."

I watch Athenas breathe quicken as she turns to face our new head master who nods assuringly and places a warm hand on her shoulder. She steadies herself and looks back to me but all I can do is smile weakly.

Both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff seem to paying close attention as the hat decides, it's wrinkles shifting from left to right. After a painstaking few seconds the hat shouts, "Ravenclaw!"

The table to my left filled with students in blue coated robes jump to their feet, a much happier picture then before. They welcome Athena to the front, wrapping their arms around her and patting her on the back.

She lets out a sigh of relief, her face regaining its color. She sits happily, a smile forming as she takes her place and shakes the dozens of hands that surround her.

The sinking feeling returns as realize I'm next to face the hat. I swallow harshly and walk as slowly as I can and sit in the chair to face the students.

I avoid their gaze by picking at my finger nails, silently hoping no one can tell how nervous I actually am. I sweep my hair behind my ears as I feel the sorting hat being placed on my head.

"Ah..." It says immediately and almost with a laugh. The great hall once again goes quiet, each table waiting to see where the last new student will be placed.

The hat twitches above me as it continues to sigh, "How interesting, you were a Wampus..."

My heart beat quickens as I suddenly wonder how that could effect my placement at Hogwarts. My eyes instinctively dart up and watch as each student observes me, the hats decision highly anticipated.

There's an electricity in the air as I sit motionless, praying for the hat to choose quickly.

"Kind hearted... but... Your past is..." It stops, and everyones breath pauses with it. "You'll make an intriguing new addition to..." It continues.



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