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I walk down the now familiar hallway hand in hand with Draco, my palms sweating as we entered the meeting room. Even though I had met him already, seeing Voldemort again wasn't necessarily something I was looking forward to.

My heart races as my mind wanders over all the possible things he could tell us when we meet today; burning the castle to the ground, mass murdering every Gryffindor, nothing seemed too crazy anymore.

To my surprise, the Dark Lord wasn't there yet, the other Death Eaters milling around the table talking amongst themselves. I look to Draco who shrugs, guiding me toward our seats and pulling my chair out.

I sit quickly as Draco takes his place next me, his hand finding my shaky knee and calming it.

"We should be starting soon," He says quietly, his eyes scanning the room.

The door opens again, everyone falling silent as we wait to see whose on the other side. The chatting begins once again as Blaise and his father enter, their hair slicked back and their hand stuffed in their pockets.

I make eye contact with Blaise who forces a mocking smile, his mouth falling into a grimace after a few seconds. I don't reciprocate the gesture as I stare intently at him, my heart rate spiking again.

"Just ignore him," Draco says with a roll of his eyes. "He's pissed because you've only just become a Death Eater and you're already more important than he'll ever be."

I laugh, not really sure if it's supposed to be a compliment. While, yes, I guess was more important than Blaise, he was also tasked with far less.

He didn't have to worry about killing Dumbledore when he returned to school. In fact his contributions to the Death Eaters were so small, he managed to slip right under everyone's radar at school.

No on suspected Blaise was one of us, he was too busy charming girls or winning quidditch matches. When I met with Athena in the library she said all anyone was talking about was Draco, and given his family history, I could understand why.

But Blaise was different.

Amongst the students, Blaise was just a snotty rich Slytherin, not an evil, snotty, rich Slytherin.

My train of thought was interrupted by the door slamming open, the sound of feet clicking down the hallway. From the darkness, a small hiss rings through the room as everyone rushes to their seats, their previous conversations no longer important.

After another second, Voldemort appears, a long slimy snake slithering at his feet.

My palms sweat as he saunters in, his presence taking over the entire room. Draco squeezes my hand lightly as he looks to the Dark Lord, who know stands behind us, his frame seeming to pause.

I don't move but I can feel his gaze on the back of my head, my bottom lip instinctively finding it's place between my teeth.

"You may all remain calm," His almost too cool voice rings. "This is a pleasurable meeting today, for we have much to celebrate."

The feel as the tension in the room decreases slightly, some of the Death Eaters shoulders falling as they finally feel like they can breath.

But I stay on my guard, as narcissistic as it may seem, something was telling the good news had to do with me.

Voldemort finally takes his place at the head of the table, Lucius on his right and a strange looking woman with stringy black hair to his left. He continues talking as I lean ever so slightly into Draco, his words becoming faint.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Draco, so softly I wasn't even sure he heard me.

Without facing me he responds, "My aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange."

"She's your-" I begin but I'm cut off by the Dark Lords booming voice.

"Does our... Guest of honor have something to add?" The room falls silent as I feel everyone's eyes shift to me.

I look to Draco whose furrowed brow worries me, realizing he doesn't know what Voldemort is talking about.

"N- No..." I stutter out, searching for any ounce of confidence I have left. "I didn't know I was the guest of honor?"

"Why of course," He begins, his voice indicating he knows a secret.

'He does,' I think.

"We're here today to celebrate you joining us," He says, the snake on his side stirring as he strokes it gracefully. "This is perhaps the greatest stride we've made toward victory since we began, and who would have thought it would be Draco who found you."

The room erupts in laughter, Blaise starting it off, even Lucius delighting in a nervous chuckle or two. Draco, usually stoic, lowers his head to the floor, his thumb rubbing across my hand.

"I'm not sure I understand..." I say as they all settle, my gaze meeting Voldemort's as I force myself to maintain eye contact.

"Don't be shy dear, this is place where your gifts can flourish!" He stands, pushing his chair behind him as he makes his way toward me. He grabs my fore arm, his icy hand lifting me from my seat.

I hold onto Draco's hand as long as I can before I'm ripped away, my nervous gaze shifting around the room.

"I haven't told them yet about what you can do my dear," He coos into my ear. "I thought you could show them."

I turn to him, "I'm not sure-"

"Now now," He says, his tone sweet but threatening. "Like I said before, you don't have to be shy. We will accept you here for exactly... who... you... are."

He drags out the words as he steps to the side leaving me standing alone in front of the Death Eaters. I swallow hard as I turn around, my lungs filling with air as I was met with nothing but the fire place.

Luckily, I wouldn't have to kill anyone...


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