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"I'm sure you'll find this room well to you liking Miss...?" Draco's mother sings as she opens a large black door.

I meet her expectant look, "Oh! I'm sorry, Bingham. Everett Bingham."

She smiles in return and motions for me to follow her into the spacious room, tiptoeing nervously behind her small frame.

The Malfoy's guest bedroom was extravagant, a queen sized bed in the center with stark black sheets and fluffy pillows. The walls and furniture are a matching grey with small bits of color coming from a few paintings hung delicately by the windows.

A clock ticks anxiously on a table between a small bookshelf and two sitting chairs, the noise making my head hurt as I tried to read the spines.

"Draco mentioned you like to read," She says, noticing me staring. "I tried too mix in some of my favorites."

"Oh wow, thank you." I respond, nervously placing my hands behind my back.

"Weezy!" She yells.

With a small crack, a house elf appears next to her, just barely meeting the height of her knees.

"Mrs. called?" She says quietly.

Mrs. Malfoy looks down to her lovingly. "Will you bring some tea and biscuits up? Miss Bingham has had a long day traveling and would like something to eat."

"It's alright-" I begin, but I'm interrupted by a tiny voice.

"It's no problem Miss! Weezy will be back shortly." And with that, she was gone.

"Thank you," I say to Draco's mother with a smile, knowing I'm too anxious to eat.

"We are very excited to have you here with us over Christmas holiday, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me or Weezy." She states with a stoic tone. "I know it must be hard for you to be staying here."

I shrug kindly, "No, it's no problem at all. I would have been home alone anyway. My mother is... away."

"And your father?" She sits gently on the bed and pats the open space next to her.

I take my place, perching delicately on the crisp sheets. "My father passed away when I was young."

She places a cool hand on my shoulder, "My dear, I'm so sorry to hear that. It must have been difficult to grow up without a father."

"A little... Luckily, I have a wonderful mother." I say attempting to maintain my composure.

"That's so kind of you to say, I wish Draco was as grateful for me," She says trying to lighten the mood. We both let out a nervous chuckle as she removes her hand and places it neatly on her lap. "Draco says you're quite the witch? He rarely has competition to be top of class but that's no longer."

I shrug, "I'm surprised actually, I thought it might be more difficult at Hogwarts."

She chuckles to herself, "From what I've heard, Ilvermorny is wonderful at preparing you for life after school. I wasn't-"

Our conversation is thwarted when Weezy pops back in, her tiny arms shaking as she struggles to hold the silver tray piled with tea cups and cookies.

Instinctively, I stand and take it from her hands, placing it on a small table by the bookshelf.

"Oh no Miss! Weezy can do that for you!" The elf shouts as she follows after me.

I sit in the large comfy chair and turn to her, "It's no problem, I don't mind."

As Weezy and I go back and forth, Mrs. Malfoy stands. "I really should get going, Lucius will be back soon. I don't know what type of tea you like so I took a guess, let Weezy know if it's not to your liking. Enjoy your biscuits. "

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