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I wake up groggily the next morning, the soft light coming in from the window and flushing over my cheeks. I crinkle my eyes and rub them roughly hoping to jolt myself awake. Pansy stirs in the bed next to me and rolls out with a sigh, dipping her feet into her slippers.

Daphne still snores softly as I slam my eyes shut and pretend to be deep in sleep as Pansy trudges over and throws the curtains closed. Luckily, I hear her feet pattering on the wood floor as she makes her way out of the dorm and down the stairs.

I change into my uniform quickly and silently before running through the main common room into the small bathrooms. I move as fast as I can, hoping to leave early incase I get lost.

I brush my teeth and finger comb my hair, pinning it back on both sides and leaving some pieces to frame my face. I fly through my makeup, skipping a few steps but still making myself look good enough for the first day. To finish I pinch my cheeks for a little flush and sweep on some chapstick.

I let out a sigh of relief as I place my things back in my makeup kit, my watch reading 6:35, a full 10 minutes earlier than I'd hoped. I reach for my eyeliner pencil and decide to spice it up but when I look back to the mirror I'm greeted by Pansy's infamous death glare.

"Are you following me?" She says as she emerges from the mist seeping out of the shower behind her.

"As if," I laugh at my own clueless reference, placing my compact mirror and eyeliner back into my school bag and turning to face her. "Besides I didn't see your name on the door, this is a public restroom."

"I don't know what a restroom is, but if you weren't so daft you know that I occupy the toilets from 6:15 to 6:45." She huffs, pushing past me to take full control of the mirror.

I roll my eyes and grab my bag from underneath her, deciding fighting with her wasn't worth my time this morning.

To my left the door opens and reveals a small blonde first year, her eyes widen as she sees Pansy and I.

"Did no one tell you people?!" Pansy shouts with a huff. "Everyone out!"

I spin around and pull the large wooden door toward me, dragging the first year with me and leaving the steamy bathroom behind. Pansy yells a final remark to us as we exit but as I turn to listen I run head first into the chest someone leaving the boys bathroom.

"Oh sorry-" I begin.

"Watch where you're going," A smooth voice says above me.

I look up and meet the deep blue eyes of Draco Malfoy. My breath hitches in my throat as we stare at each other for a moment. "I'm sorry," I try again.

He shrugs slightly, his lips pursing in a tight line before pressing on past me and trudging up the stairs. I shake off his rudeness and walk back up to my room, sifting through my trunk for my new books.

Daphne sits in her bed, her green sheets lifted up around her like a robe. "Have a good first day!" She says as I swing my bag over my shoulder and sit back on my bed taking a moment before leaving.

"Thanks..." I respond nervously.

Her eyes light up, "Oh shit! I forgot to tell you not to use the bathrooms in the morning, Pans can be a mare in the early hours."

"A mare?" I ask stupidly.

She chuckles, "Oh sorry, a night-mare. We all try to sneak in while she's showering to brush our teeth, but she'll eat you alive if you get caught."

"Good to know... I'll remember that for tomorrow."

I'm about to get up when a small piece of paper comes wiggling under the door and whizzing up to land playfully in my hand. I open it quickly, hearing Pansy's footsteps returning down the hall. Scribbled in familiar handwriting are the words,

'See you then

- AJ'

I smile lightly knowing I'll get to see Athena tonight but my happiness is thwarted as Pansy glares at me, reentering our room.

"See you later Daphne..." I stand up without another word and shuffle past them and down the stairs hoping she doesn't try to scold me for interrupting her bathroom routine.

Luckily, she doesn't and I'm greeted by Blaise's warm smile as I emerge into the main common room.

"Everett, I thought you could use come help finding your way around."


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