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"I'm starving," Athena shouts, her greedy hands grabbing at the toast and placing a piece on her plate next to her pile of bacon and sausage.

"Slow down," I laugh as a group of Slytherins eye us skeptically.

Athena chuckles silently, the students shushing her as she sticks her tongue out at them in retaliation.

She spins back to me and rolls her eyes, "They all must hate me. Whatever, they're Slytherins so they hate everyone who isn't one of them."

"Well you're with me," I say proudly.

This was my favorite thing about Athena, we could spend weeks apart and when we got back together it was as if nothing changed. We understood each other without saying anything, there was no pretending when I was around her.

"Do you know what's really weird?" She asks through a mouthful as I look to her expectantly. "That we can't go home for Thanksgiving this year. I got a letter from Catherine yesterday and she said she was packing for break. I didn't think I'd feel this homesick."

"Wow... I completely forgot about Thanksgiving." I say, memories of past years flooding back, my mothers face at the forefront of them all.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I know things with your mom are difficult. I should t have said anything."

I shake my head helplessly, "I'll be fine... I wouldn't have much of a home to go back to anyway."

"Everything will be alright Ev, I promise." She smiles weakly, her eyes filled with remorse.

Athena was my best friend for years and as much as I wanted to spill everything to her, I had to keep some things to myself to protect both of us. She knows bits and pieces; she knows my Mom and I no longer speak, she knows I needed to leave the US and she knows I don't like talking about it.

And like a true friend, that was all the information she asked of me.

"Alright, time for a change of subject." She says swallowing a gulp of apple juice. "First things first... I heard a rumor about you."

My mouths hangs open, "A rumor? About me?"

She nods with a smirk, her eyes sparkling with an evil glint. "Apparently, you're the talk of the school."

"Again? That seems a bit hard to believe with everything that happened to Katie Bell..." I say with a laugh. "And do you and your friends do anything other than gossip?"

She shrugs, "Depends on what's going on!"

I sigh, "Alright, what was the rumor about?"

"Oh you know, the usual..." She waves her hand, rolling her eyes playfully. "Just about you and certain Slytherin boy..."

My face scrunches in embarrassment, "Really?"

"I have it on good authority that last week you were seen leaving the Three Broomsticks hand in hand with none other than Blaise Zabini!" She shouts a little to loudly, the nosy group of fifth years next to us listening in again.

I exhale with a laugh, "I feel like there are a lot more important things you guys could be talking about than my love life."

"Everyone needs a little break from all this you-know-who stuff and your relationship status is the perfect distraction." She smirks, reaching over and grabbing a banana.

"I suppose..." I shrug, following her lead and sinking my teeth into an apple. "So, how's Ravenclaw house?"

"Oh no," She spits out between bites, waving her finger in my face. "You're not getting out of this that easy. I can't believe you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!"

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