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"Aunt Cynthia! Aunt Cynthia!" I yell, running across her foyer and into the empty kitchen.

The house falls silent as I listen for any sign as to where she may be. My head darts around, the only sound being my beating heart.

"Aunt Cynthia! It's me, Everett! Are you here?"

I wait a moment, my spirit crumbling, until the door to her porch screeches open.

"Hello?" Her familiar voice coos as I sprint around the corner. "Everett, darling, what in the world are you doing here?"

"Give me your hand!" I shout.

Her brow furrows, "Are you alrigh-"

"Please!" I beg. "Let me see your hand."

I watch as her gaze falter, her eyes giving her away as she slowly lifts her hand and places it in the space between us.

She sighs, "I really don't know what this is abou-"

"Did my mother give this ring to you?" I ask, grabbing her by the wrist.

"What?" She begins.

I breath heavily, putting my fingers next to hers, careful to make sure my sweater covered my mark. Our rings glisten together almost as if they were one, our hands instinctively moving toward each other.

"What is this all about Everett, I don't understand." Her voice is quieter, more serious, like she's afraid someone is listening.

"When she gave me this ring, she told me it would protect me, keep me hidden from... my father." I say.

Her eyes lower to the floor, "Yes... The rings are enchanted by a concealment charm."

"But why do you have one?" I question.

"Same reason as you" She starts. "She enchanted them to conceal all the people she loved. You and I."

I listen intently as she goes on, playing with the jewelry in her fingers.

"She didn't know what his people would do, they were crazy and they wanted-" She stops, her breath heavy.

"They wanted his wand?" I finish.

Her head cocks to the side, "How do you know about that?"

I shake my head, "Listen Aunt Cynthia, I don't want you to worry but I need to get in touch with mom."

Her worried gaze meets mine, "Everett what's going on."

"I can't tell you," I say matter of factly.

"Everett Bingham, what the hell is going on! How do you know about your fathers wand? Why do you need your mother?" She questions frantically.

I roll my eyes with a sigh, "I need to warn her! People are coming for her and I think... I think they know where she is."

She swallows hard, "I don't... I'm sorry. I don't know where she went, she was careful not to tell anyone."

I exhale, "Do you have any idea how I could find her?"

She shrugs, "I don't- Well... But it's nearly impossible."

She doesn't finish, her voice trailing off as she turns to the sink, her hands gripping the sides for support.

"Aunt Cynthia?" I ask quietly, resting my hand on her back. "How can I find her?"

She turns back to me, "You couldn't possibly... Your mother had three rings but she lost one before she got to New York."

I sigh of relief as she says exactly what I was hoping she would.

"I have no idea where it is but..." She shrugs, defeated.

"But what?" I press her.

"She always feared you two would be separated so she bewitched her final ring as a portkey. If you can find it, it will lead you to wherever she is."

"It can do that?" I question.

She chuckles lightly, "Very powerful magic at work here, magic like you've seen before..."

We stare at each other silently, my heart race picking up as my fingers tingle with the possibility of seeing my mother again.

"You're worrying me, Everett." She says, cupping my face in her warm hands. "She sent you hear to keep you out of trouble, but something tells me you've found it anyway."

I lift my shoulders, "Trouble seems to find us."

She smiles wearily, brushing my cheek and resting her palms on my shoulders. "You're a strong young woman, I believe in you."

"This third ring," I begin. "You're sure it will take me to her?"

She nods, "Yes... But like I said, she lost it years ago. I don't know where in the world you would find it, or even where to start."

I smile, "I have a pretty good idea."


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