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It didn't take long before Draco and I finally came face to face with Blaise, his tall frame standing quickly from the bench in the Great Hall.

Another thing I hadn't accounted for what Blaise's ability to sway the masses with his charm, all my old friends eyes glaring at us as they watch us enter.

Pansy's worried gaze met mine as she gets up, her hand immediately reaching for Blaise's chest to hold him back.

Draco stiffens next to me, his hand tightening around mine as he stops. "Maybe we should just get to class..."

Pansys words float through my mind again as I stare at her, for the first time, in admiration.

I look up to Draco, "Trust me, we'll be fine."

He doesn't protest but he drags a little behind me as we approach the Slytherin table, the Great Hall falling as silent as it did the day Pansy slapped me.

Blaise clenches his jaw and raises his eyebrows expectantly, "Well? Don't you two have something you'd like to say?"

I peer to Draco nonchalantly, begging his worried gaze not to give my facade away. I spin back to Blaise, feigning innocence, "No actually we have nothing to say."

"Are you sure about that?" His eyes flick to Draco, the weakest of the three of us. Blaise can sense the crack in the armor. "What about you Malfoy? Anything you'd like to get off your chest?"

I silently pray Draco can pull this off, and to my surprise, he steps in front of me and shrugs smugly.

"I have plenty to say to you," He motions around the Great Hall, everyone's eyes averting back to their food. "Unfortunately, I doubt this is the correct place to air out our differences."

For a spilt second, Blaise loses his composure, his jaw falling open slightly before he snaps it back into place.

"Now if you don't mind," Draco continues, moving me carefully so I'm standing next to Pansy. "I'd like to eat before I go to class."

Blaise nods stiffly before shuffling out of the Great Hall, his footsteps echoing off the walls as he leaves in a huff. Some third years chuckle as he passes, his lowered voice tossing some insult back at them.

Once he's gone I feel Draco slump next to me, Pansy letting out a short laugh.

"Bloodly brilliant Malfoy, I've never seen him back down like that..." She says taking a bite out of an apple.

Daphne smiles weakly, "Yeah... Great job Draco."

I turn to the pouting boy next to me, rubbing his back encouragingly. "You really told him."

He looks to me and smiles weakly, "Thanks..."

"You and Blaise have such a long history and stood up for yourself! Why aren't you proud?" I question, eyeing him skeptically.

"Because Draco's a coward," Pansys says with a chuckle. "No one thought he had it in him, that's why he's a Slytherin."

I push my arm back, elbowing her in the stomach as she doubles over. "You're not helping Pans..." I say through gritted teeth.

"She's not wrong," Draco whispers. "I am a coward, I've always been a coward."

I stand quickly, tossing my bag over my shoulder and reaching for Draco's hand. "I know something that won't make you feel like a coward."

"Oh Merlin," Pansy sighs, rolling her eyes. "Just please, if you're going to do it in our room, put a sock on the door or something."

I chuckle, "Will you relax..."

Daphne bats her on the shoulder, choking on her juice as she rolls her eyes.

He takes my hand and we stride out the large doors and into the corridor.

After we're out of the Great Hall, Draco stops, pulling me back as I meet his eyes.

"Everett," He says through his lashes. "Listen... I don't want you to feel like you have to do this because of me."

I cock my head to the side, "Huh?"

He sighs, "Thank you, for you know... Wanting to... you know... with me..."

"I'm sorry?" I ask, still completely confused.

Draco rolls his eyes, clearly embarrassed. "I don't want you to feel like you have to, just to make me feel more like a man. I mean, this isn't how I wanted it to be, I wanted it to be romantic and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa," I say, cupping his cheeks a and smiling. "Draco, I'm not about to have sex with you."

He looks at me with wide eyes, "You aren't?"

I chuckle, "No! That's just something Pansy said to embarrass us."

"Oh..." He remarks, almost disappointed.

"Not that I don't want to!" I say a little too quickly. "Because we could... Well, I mean- Just maybe... Not right now?"

He laughs, "So if you aren't sweeping me away to ravish me, where are we going?"

I take his hand, pulling him with me as I begin down the quiet hallway.

"The only place where you and I can be alone... The Room of Requirement."


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