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The rest of the night was a blur. I remember bits and pieces but my nerves got the better of me and I allowed myself to fade out. Any nervous thoughts would leak from me and make their way up to the clouds and stars that floated above us.

Shortly after we were all settled, food was apparated to the tables as well as cutlery, plates and cups. The feast was similar to the dinners at Ilvermorny but with an obvious touch of English traditions. I took a generous amount, eating slowly as I tried a bite of everything.

I looked for Athena through the crowds of students but I only caught her eye once. I could tell she was still a little anxious but she seemed to mesh well with her new house, her teeth shining brightly in a constant smile.

I, on the other hand, was sat next to a black haired girl who immediately took a dislike to me. "So you're one of the new transfers I've been hearing all about."

I shrugged, "I guess... I didn't know anyone cared."

She huffed with a rude laugh, "We don't. We've just never had students from Ilvermorny before, or any Americans for that matter." She spoke with such definite disgust, it made me wonder how long people had been talking about us before we arrived.

I was about to retort when a boy across the table interjected, "Shut it Pans. You're just jealous no ones paying attention to you anymore."

She threw him a glare but ultimately backed off, her arms crossing her chest as she turned to continue her dinner.

"I'm Blaise, you must be one of the new girls." He juts his hand across the table, shaking mine fervishly.

"I'm Everett Bingham and what gave it away?" I joke.

He chuckles, "Welcome to Slytherin. I may be biased but you've been sorted into the best house Hogwarts has to offer."

"Is that so?" I say taking a sip from the glass in front of me hoping the cold water will settle me down. "I was told before I came that I should want to be sorted into Gryffindor."

He shrugs with a smug grin across his face, "I mean I can't speak for whoever told you that, but they've clearly never met me."

I shake my head, a laugh escaping a little louder than I had hoped. I eye him curiously, his strong frame leaning across the table.

Was he flirting with me?

"Is that your friend over there?" He questions innocently, his eyes trailing to the Ravenclaw table.

I follow his gaze, "Yeah thats my best friend Athena. I was hoping we would be sorted together at Hogwarts but that didn't happen."

"Don't worry, you'll probably have loads of classes with her." He say encouragingly, returning to his plate.

"Yeah probably..." I say trailing off, suddenly feeling very lonely.

The night continues with more introductions; a handsome brown haired boy named Theo, a petite brunette named Daphne, a large boy named Goyle.

I let their faces etch into my memory before I floated them up with my other thoughts. Luckily, after our feast was all but gone and Dumbledore spoke a few final words, we were dismissed to our common rooms.

I watch Athena stand up with a group of girls as her ringing laughter cuts through the large group people. She catches my eye and waves happily, following the girls she was with and heading for the door. I fake a smile and shuffle my way out from the behind the bench, her blonde hair disappearing in the crowd.

I find myself following close behind Blaise and Pansy as they are the only two people I really spoke to at my table. To my surprise, Blaise notices and grabs my hand to pull me closer to their group, much to the dismay of Pansy.

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