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a/n: this chapter is going to be a little short :)

- alli


The days dragged by after that first quidditch game, the snow beginning to fall shortly after Halloween. It got much colder in the UK than in America, my sweaters not thick enough for the icy temperatures.

Begrudgingly, I had kept true to my word and hung low around the castle. I stayed in a lot more, huddling by the fire with a cup of tea while I studied. I avoided quidditch games at all costs and traded in long morning breakfasts for an on-the-go granola bar.

I slowly got better in my classes, rising up in the ranks so quickly that Blaise begged me to help him with potions. He started sitting with me at night and reading over my notes as I would finish them, asking me questions here and there.

Even Pansy was getting used to me, and as much as she hated me, our relationship was getting slightly more tolerable. She didn't kick the door in when I got to the showers first, she didn't spit a jinx at me when the alarm on my watch woke her up, so overall I figured we were improving.

After a few weeks of being under the radar, I adopted some of old habits back, walking to the Great Hall with Blaise in the mornings. He didn't pressure me about coming to games and the flirting was few and far between.

Every couple of days, Draco would sit silently with us but after a particularly rowdy morning with Crabbe and Flint in which juices went flying, he stopped showing up.

Today, I sat quietly sipping on a cup of tea, Pansy and Daphne to my right with Blaise across the table. Daphne chewed on bacon while Pansy snacked on a peach, her almond eyes flicking toward the door every so often.

"Where the hell is Draco this morning?" She questions, perking up Daphne and earning a shrug from Blaise.

"I don't know, probably avoiding this one." He says with his mouth full as he lifts his spoon out of his oatmeal and points it across the table at me.

My eyes widen, "No... What would make you say that?"

Blaise laughs jealously, "He hasn't shut up about you. Honestly, the boy has barely said more than 10 sentences this entire term and at least half of them have been about you."

Daphne sinks into the bench.

"What has he said?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Just that you're odd," He looks up at my through his lashes, an evil glint in his eye.

My mouth hangs open, "What?"

"I'm only kidding, he just 'doesn't quite understand you yet,'" He says with air quotes, digging back into his oatmeal. "He said we should be wary of you, we shouldn't trust you yet."

I furrow my brow angrily, "You shouldn't trust me yet?"

He shrugs, "Draco's weird, I wouldn't worry about it. Pansy's known him her whole life and he still hates her."

"Oh god," Pansy interrupts. "Who cares what Draco thinks! He's turned into a hermit anyway..." She tries to mask her jealousy but we all see through it.

Blaise chuckles, "Watch out Pans, you're sounding a little bitter."

"Please, I live with her. Don't you think I'd know if she had been sneaking off to see Draco?" Pansy retorts.

Daphne falls further into herself, her focus stuck on the floor.

"I haven't seen him since the quidditch game I went to. He must be busy or something..." I interject, hoping to ease the rising tension.

"Yeah," Blaise scoffs. "I'm sure he's busy. Probably doing something for his asshole father."

I laugh nervously, hiding my eyes behind my tea.

After a few anxious seconds I take one last sip, slide the strap of my bag over my shoulder, and stand, "I should be getting to class. Charms... Can't be late."

I spin to leave but Blaise calls me back, "Everett! I'm going to Hogsmeade later, maybe you'd like to come, you know, if you're not to busy studying?"

I eye him nervously, not sure if he's being serious, Daphne and Pansy waiting expectantly.

"Well I have some homework to finish up..." I say stupidly, not sure what to answer.

He notices my hesitation and shrugs, "Well, another time or something..."

"No!" I shout a little too loudly and a little too quickly. "I'd like that, I'll meet you at the train station?"

He instantly perks up, "Yeah that'd be great! You better get to class, I'll see you later."

I turn to leave, hearing Pansy make kissy noises as I exit. I had laid low long enough, right? I deserved to let loose and enjoy myself every once in a while. And nothing bad had happened yet so I think I can safely loosen the reigns a bit.

And what could wrong in Hogsmeade?


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