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I finished my makeup and hair in the bathroom before returning to my dorm for some final touches. After a few words of encouragement from Daphne and another snide remark from Pansy, I left to meet Blaise in the common room.

I hold up my dress as I walked carefully down the stairs, Blaise extending his hand as I reach the final few steps. I meet his eyes and use his strong arm for balance as I wobble on my heels.

"First time in heels, Bingham?" He jokes.

I roll my eyes, regaining my equilibrium. "Not my first time ever, but first time in a while."

Once he's sure my feet are sturdy on the ground, he brushes a loose strand of red hair behind my ears, "You look amazing tonight."

I smile shyly, my shoulders tensing up as Pansy's earlier conversation comes flooding back. "Thank you, you look very handsome as well. Shall we go?"

He nods and twists his forearm through mine so we walk right up against each other, his cologne seeping into my nostrils and giving me a nervous headache.

We trot through the stone wall and up the moving staircases, Blaise holding on extra tightly as I teeter onto the steps. He chuckles as I grip his arm for dear life, my curls falling into my eyes as I furrow my brow in concentration.

My feet ache from my shoes as we finally arrive at the party. I scan the room, the ceiling covered in forest green, deep red and glittering gold drapes. It was packed full with people, some I recognized and others I didn't, a maroon haze of smoke emanating from somewhere.

As we moved farther inside I noticed a beautiful lamp dangling above our heads, tiny fairies dancing inside producing a bright golden light.

Music played loudly off to our right, the shrill screech of instruments making my head pound harder.

I jump back when I hear a low grumble below me, a small house elf carrying a tray of hors'devours eyeing me angrily.

"Watch where you're going missy," He mumbles as he passes beside my knee.

Blaise and I chuckle as we settle into the open space we've found. I look around once more, hoping to find another friendly face, my eyes falling on Harry Potter and an eccentrically dressed blonde girl. She stands next to him sweetly, her gaze shifting to mine as she tugs on the sleeve of Harrys jacket.

He turns to face Blaise and I, his eyes narrowing as they walk to meet us.

I smile at the girl and she gives me a kind nod, her head tilting to the right as she strolls over first.

"Hello Blaise," She says in a singsongy voice. "How are you today?"

"Fine thanks." He returns shortly. "I didn't expect to see you here, I thought this party was for gifted students."

"Blaise," I reply sternly, my jaw dropping at his dig.

"Don't worry," She waves me off, her soft eyes meeting mine. "I'm Luna. Luna Lovegood."

I extend my hand to shake hers, my clammy palm gripping hers. "Everett Bingham."

"You're the new girl, you transferred from Ilvermorny. Lovely school, although I've never visited America, I hear its wonderful."

"It's great but nothing like this, Hogwarts is beautiful." I say with nod, looking back to Blaise. He meets my gaze and lets out a sigh so small I wasn't even sure I heard it.

"I should be getting back to Harry, he's a very quiet person, doesn't do well at parties alone. Professor Slughorn has already paraded him around the office." She smiles again, spinning gracefully before returning to Blaise. "By the way, you haven't seen any of my shoes lying around have you?"

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