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Professor Snape holds my forearm tightly dragging me down the hall, my feet teetering in my heels as I try to keep up with him. I keep my mouth shut, terrified to utter a single word as we walk through corridor after corridor until we finally reach his office, his door swinging open with the flick of his hand.

He throws me in like a rag doll, my red dress catching on his desk chair and ripping the tulle as the tears spill from my eyes.

I hold my hand over the torn fabric, my mothers image rushing to my mind. I look up to Snape wide eyed as he stands next to the door with his wand drawn, pointing it directly at my heart.

We look at each other for a moment, the only sound in the room my ragged breaths and beating pulse.

"Professor?" I begin, stepping forward with my arms up innocently.

"What do you know." His voice comes out as less of a question and more of a command.

I stare dumfounded at him as my eyes glass over once again, my makeup running down my cheeks dramatically. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out besides a few shaky 'ums.'

Snape rolls his eyes, "You didn't seem so upset a few minutes ago, shouting through the hall that Draco was a Death Eater."

"I didn't know you were still there," I say quietly, my palms beading with sweat.

"Do you make it a habit to try and get yourself killed Miss Bingham," He states, his voice long and drawn out. "Tell me what you know."

I shrug, my sentences all mashing together from my nerves. "I don't- Nothing really... Honestly I was just-"

"There's no need for the dramatics," He commands with a sigh. "Spit... It... Out."

"I don't know any-" I begin.

Snape jumps forward, making my heart skip a beat. "Liar! I heard you in the hallway, now tell me everything you know!"

"Honestly professor," I say, tears streaming down my cheeks. "That's everything, what you heard is all I know. Just about Draco, Katie Bell and now I know about Blaise too, I guess."

Snape's posture slumps from his annoyance with me, "It's of the utmost importance that you tell what Draco meant when he said you followed him the other night."

"I just-" I begin, my gaze shifting nervously to the floor. "I got lost one of my first nights here. I saw him in the hallway and I followed him into some room."

"What was he doing in this room," He questions.

I shrug, "I don't know. He walked around this cabinet most of the time, he said he needed to fix it. And he took that neckless, the one he gave to Katie Bell in Hogsmeade."

Snape sighs, his wand lowering as he places it in the long pocket of his robe. He thrusts open a drawer and rummages through it, grabbing a few papers and tossing them on top of the desk. He stands upright again, settling himself before looking to me expectantly.

"Is that what this is about? That I know Draco's a-" I stop, to afraid to say the next words.

Snape runs a hand through his long black hair, "How did you find out, did another student tell you?"

I shake my head, "No... I mean, yes people are talking about Draco being a... a Death Eater but nobody really believes he is. Then he stopped showing up for things, I guess I assumed something must be going on."

He nods, his lips forming a thin line across his face. I can tell he's trying his best to question me without giving anything away.

"Professor," I begin, meeting his eyes. "I honestly didn't know for sure until tonight, I shouldn't have said anything. We were fighting and I wanted a reaction out of him."

Snape doesn't say anything, his large frame moving to his desk and sitting uncomfortably in his chair. He takes in a deep breath, "Unfortunately, that doesn't matter now."

"If you're worried I'm going to say something... I won't. I never told anyone about the neckless, it's like nothing ever happened, really."

I take in a long breath as removes his robe and hangs it gently on rack, his black suit eerily similar to the one Draco wears. My heart race picks up again as he pulls a chair out for me to sit next to him, my hands running over the back of my dress as I take my place.

"Miss Bingham, we have-" He starts.

"Please professor," I beg, fear rising in me as I realize what he's about to do. I look at him through blurry eyes, "I'll do anything..."

Snape sighs apologetically, "I'm afraid its too late. You won't remember any of this is a few moments."

Suddenly, the door behind us creaks open, the familiar click of leather shoes entering. I spin to find Draco, wand at the ready as he slowly approaches the two of us.

"Professor." He commands, flicking his eyes in the direction of Snape's wand.

Snape rolls his eyes, "Run along Draco, this doesn't concern you any longer."

"You can't hurt her," He tries again, the veins on his arms protruding as he speaks.

Snape stands angrily, fuming toward Draco, his robe floating behind him with his large strides. "I made an unbreakable vow with your mother to keep you safe, this girl is a problem, now let me remedy it."

"She's not," Draco states, now standing eye to eyes with Professor Snape. "She's a very gifted witch. I think we should train her as a Death Eater."

My heart stops as he speaks. He couldn't be serious, could he?

"What did you say?" Snape questions, his wand lowering in utter disbelief.

"She's not a problem at all, she would be a great asset to our team." He says, matter of factly. "She'll come home with me to the manor tomorrow for the Christmas holiday and my family will take care of everything."

Snape sighs, turning to me expectantly. "And you Miss Bingham, how do you feel about this... New development?"

I look to Draco, his distraught eyes telling me everything I needed to know.

"Soon enough you'll find out that some of us are doing this because we have no choice..."

I had no choice.

"Alright," Snape says, taking in a deep breath. "You're one of us now."


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