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I breathe lightly, the knife on jugular making it difficult to fill my lungs. I waddle with Bellatrix through the dimly lit street, her free hand using her wand to open the door in front of us.

A burning sensation rises in my stomach, the street lamps flickering as we pass, each a reminder of how easily I could escape my capture. But something told me not to, so I fight down the fire in my throat as we continue.

I swallow hard as I suddenly realized where I was, the same place I saw Draco before coming to Hogwarts. We must be near Diagon Alley, this must have been why Draco was here over the summer. Someone had to show him where the vanishing cabinet lead.

I'm distracted from my thoughts as Bellatrix chuckles to herself, "My Lord! Look who I found wondering through Borgin and Burke's!"

"Sister please..." A familiar voice coos. "Let her go."

I fall to the floor as she thrusts me forward, her knife cutting my cheek lightly. I peer up, a few familiar faces forming as I take in my surroundings.

I recognize Narcissa and Lucius first, their brows furrowed in confusion. And at the head of the table sits Voldemort, his snake hissing at his side.

There's a silence as we all just stare at each other, Narcissa looking to the Dark Lord before returning to me. "Everett... What are you doing here sweetie."

By the tone in her voice, I realize I must have interrupted something important. I stand slowly, brushing the dust off my school skirt and clear my throat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know- I was just testing the cabinet." I stutter out, Bellatrix's presence still lingering dangerously close behind me. "Making sure people could go through."

They all stare back at me stunned, Voldemort's head cocking to the side. "You came through the vanishing cabinet?"

I nod, "Yeah. I wanted to show Draco that he had fixed it."

"And you were successful I see..." He says, pleased. "You're not missing an limbs."

"No, I'm not..." I begin. "Actually, I really should get going, he's expecting me back, and I have potions class in a few minutes... Have to keep up appearances and all that."

Narcissa chuckles in an attempt to lighten the mood, and to my surprise, Voldemort joins in. He stands slowly, he hands delicately grabbing his wand as his snake slithers into the empty place in his chair.

"Leaving so soon Miss..." He pauses, making long eye contact with me as he continues with a devilish smirk. "Grindelwald."

I swallow hard, my body frozen as he comes closer.

"We were just talking about you," He states proudly.

Bellatrix scoffs, "And you interesting lineage."

"Perhaps you would like to stay a while?" Voldemort's voice raises like he's asking me a question, but I know it's a command.

Against my better judgement I say, "Thank you, I would really love to, but Draco's probably worried."

"Everett," A quiet voice croaks from the corner, Lucius finally meeting my eyes. "Stay."

"Don't worry about Draco dear," Voldemort adds. "Draco could use some... Toughening up."

They all chuckle as I join in nervously, my palms sweating as Narcissa pulls out the chair to her right so I can take my place at the table.

I plop down, setting my hands cautiously in front of me and awaiting further instruction, the familiarity of Draco's mother calming me slightly.

I take in all the other Death Eaters, their vacant eyes peering at me curiously while they whisper amongst themselves.

Nagini moves smoothly to the floor as the Dark Lord resumes his seat at the head of the table, Lucius cowering as he begins to speak.

"Everett, do you have any ideas as to where your mother may have gone?" Voldemort asks.

I shrug, "Not really, she wouldn't tell me. She said it made me vulnerable to my fathers followers."

"Your father was a very powerful wizard," He nods understandingly. "Do you find you're a lot like him?"

I swallow hard, "What do you mean, my Lord?"

"You've clearly inherited some of his gifts, I was just asking if you find any other... Similarities between the two of you."

I shake my head, "I don't really know... I never got to meet him."

"Hmmm..." He hums. "I remember you mentioning that. Well did your mother give any indication of his whereabouts?"

"No, my Lord," I say quietly. "I didn't have much time with her, she gave me my ring and a few days later left me with my aunt."

He pauses, his eyes lowering to the table as he thinks. "And... Your mother is a smart woman, yes?"

"Yes," I murmur.

"And you're a smart young woman, Everett?" He asks, meeting my eyes again.

I let out a deep breath, "I think so."

He smiles at my caution, "I think you may be the brightest witch of your age Miss Grindelwald. You're gifts are unlike any witch or wizard I've seen since, well since your father."

The table scoffs, jealously seeping through their pores.

"I was very pleased when took my mark," He continues. "Having someone like you on my side makes me feel... Comforted."

I can see Narcissa smile next to me, her hand grabbing mine tightly and proudly.

"I'm very happy to make you feel that way, my Lord." I say through gritted teeth.

"You're one of a kind. I would even say, one in a million." He gushes.

I can't explain it, but for a split second, I believe every word he's saying. I stifle a grin as a sense of power washes over me again, my ego growing as large as the room.

"Only the best for our boy," Narcissa whispers, Bellatrix letting out a sigh as she rolls her eyes dramatically.

Voldemort leans forward, the wooden table creaking as he rests his elbows down. "So, Miss Brightest Witch of Her Age, if you were to make a guess as to where your mother would be, what you say?"

I look around the table, everyone's attention back on me as they await my answer. Voldemort raises his eyebrows expectantly, the fire returning to my throat.

"Well," I begin with a shrug, a million ideas flooding my mind. "She probably thought everyone would expect her to flee to the farthest location from her home... So I would guess... She never left."

Lucius looks at me confused, "I don't understand, you just said she's a smart woman and yet you're telling me she's still in your home? That's ridiculous! That's the first place Gellert's followers would ransack."

"No, not at home... But I bet she's in New York City."


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