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I stand nervously at the door, my hand refusing to reach out and open it no matter how hard I will it too. I suck in a deep breath, my arm inching closer and shaking vigorously.

Just as I'm about to make contact with the handle, it swings open on its own, inviting me in.

The room looked the the same as before, but this time it was only occupied by three other people. Two burly men stood on opposite sides of the fire place, body guards I assume, while one gangly man paced in front. He was completely bald, his skin an icy scaly grey beneath his tattered robe.

My heart beat races as he slowly turns toward me, his slender fingers extending my direction. "Everett. Please take a seat."

His face was terrifying, his eyes and nose slanted up like a snake and his mouth barely moving as he spoke to me.

I obey, fast walking to the same chair I sat in the other day, a strange familiarity to the seat. His tall frame looms above me, his black robe following behind him as he circles me, not making a sound. His icy hand rakes over my hair, my spine shivering as he tucks it gently behind my ear.

"So..." He says, his voice smooth and melodic. "You're the young woman who nearly gave away my plan of attack."

I nod nervously, "I suppose."

Suddenly, as if thrusted into a cold winters night, I feel my mind freeze over. My thoughts halt as the Dark Lord weaves through my memories, dipping his fingers into the my time at Hogwarts over the past few months.

Just as quickly as he enters, he leaves, his skin crackling as he smiles.

"I see, you find our Draco... Enchanting." He whispers, probably off the memory of the Christmas Eve party when I kissed him.

I grit my teeth, embarrassed. "He's a wonderful boy."

"Time will tell if that's true," He whispers condescendingly. "He's disobeyed my wishes before, I'm afraid, showing you the vanishing cabinet before we knew if you could be trusted. He had to be punished."

My eyes well up as I recall the night the Dark Lord found out what he had done, carrying his broken body through the Slytherin common room, the stain of his blood still on my sheets.

"But I've heard only good things about you, my followers say you're quite quick witted. And supposedly you've been a helpful asset with the cabinet?" He sings.

"Yes," I nod again, my hands shaking under the table.

He hums to himself, his wand emerging from his sleeve and twisting between his fingers. "You could be very useful to me, Miss Bingham."

"I would love nothing more, my Lord." I spit out, trying to keep myself from faltering.

"Tell me," Voldemort begins, pacing behind me. "Will you do anything I ask if you?"

"Yes," I swallow hard.

Suddenly, he whips around and places his wand under my chin, lifting it up forcefully so I can look him in the eyes. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

The tip of his wand juts into my throat as I slam my eyes shut in fear. This was the moment Draco was talking about, the moment I have to decide if I want to tell the Dark Lord everything.

I don't have time to weigh the options, his wand going further into my vocal chords.

I take in sharp breath as I stutter out, "You don't know what I'm capable of."

"Is that so?" He asks curiously, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

I had dug myself a hole telling him that, I knew that, I just needed to get his burning wand off my neck. It was too late now, I had to back up my words with actions, show him that I wasn't one to mess with.

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