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I barely slept all night, my conversations with Blaise and Draco replaying in my mind. I tossed and turned, staring out over the peaceful lake as I wondered whether I had royally screwed things up.

I should have never lost my cool with Draco, I can't believe I let him get into my head like that. My wandless magic was still a new skill and as exciting as it was to test the limits, I have to control myself.

Then there was Blaise. I felt in over my head with him, he was debonair and suave and I was so the opposite. Flirting came surprisingly easier than I expected but what would I do if things became serious?

I had never thought of him that way, sure he was good looking and charming but he was my friend. Who else would I follow around if things went horribly wrong? Daphne and I were close but we had only one class together. And Pansy certainly wouldn't want to be me anymore than she needed to be.

Tomorrow I would smooth everything over with the both of them. Draco and I had secrets we didn't want others to know, and judging by how he reacted when Blaise interrupted us, I could convince him to keep them between us. Blaise on the other hand... I'll take that one step at a time.

Finally, after mulling over everything for a few hours, the moon was high in the sky, reflecting a shiny film over the black lake. My eyes were quickly becoming heavy with sleep overcoming me, the sound of Daphne's light snoring rocking me like a lullaby.

I awake later than I hoped in the morning, my head pounding from grinding my teeth in my stupor. I put myself together and rush down to the Great Hall hoping to run into Draco.

I couldn't wait any longer to clear a things up from last night, I had to know if what we saw could stay between us. I waited patiently, my fingers fumbling together nervously as the staircase moved slower than usual.

I flitted from hallway to corridor until I finally burst through the giant oak doors and made my way to the Slytherin table.

To my dismay, he wasn't alone as he usually was but instead sat in between Blaise and Goyle with Daphne across from them. His eyes were focused intently on the toast he had laid out in front of him, his fingers tapping on a full glass of orange juice. His gaze was glassy and exhausted, to be perfectly honest, he looked the way I felt.

As I get closer to the table I can hear Blaise shouting over the murmurs of breakfast.

"No way, I'm not doing it!" He yells.

Goyle throws his arms up in protest, "Don't you want to win Zabini!?"

I sit down next to Daphne, my presence going completely unnoticed by the guys as I reach over and grab an apple. "What are you talking about?"

"He's trying to convince me to drink some potion he made so we'll win the game today," Blaise says with a laugh.

"I don't understand why you won't just do it!" Goyle shrugs his shoulders, looking to Draco for support but finding none.

Blaise lets out a sharp breath, "You've gotta be kidding me! You take 5 and half weeks of advanced potions and think you're an expert. I'm not about to drink some goblin piss you've concocted."

"I have to agree with Blaise on this one, most potions like that take months to brew." I say, tossing Goyle a sympathetic look.

Daphne giggles, "I think if any of you drink that it will probably just make you worse..."

Blaise sits back, his hands crossing his chest triumphantly and Draco lets out a small chuckle below them.

"Something funny Malfoy?" Goyle spits. "Maybe I wouldn't be so worried about the game today if someone would actually show up to practice a little more often."

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