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I sat alone in the great hall, my eyes drooping from sleepiness as I stared blankly at the buttered toast in front of me. I picked it up lazily and took a small bite, instantly regretting it.

I forced myself to chew and swallow as I realized why I had hardly seen Draco eat before.

I didn't sleep at all the past night, the patterns in the wood of my four poster charred into my memory from staring at it all night. I wanted so badly to sleep but I never could, as soon as I closed my eyes I'd see the bitten apple in my hand, a constant reminder of what I had become.

Christmas break began today so the Great Hall was nearly empty, the last few students grabbing a bite to eat before heading to the train.

I was grateful everyone was gone, no Blaise or Pansy to ask me why I look so sickly or why I can't even look at my orange juice.

The doors open quietly, no one seeming to notice the equally sullen looking boy who's walking in.

Draco sulks over to the table and slumps across from me, his hands balling into two tight fists between us.

"What's wrong?" I ask sarcastically. "You seem even worse than usual."

"I have to tell you something," He whispers, not meeting my eyes. "Are you going to Aunt's for break?"

I nod, moving in closer to him. "I was planning on it, why?"

"Ugh," He begins with a sigh. "They need to see you."

He doesn't say anything else, both of us already knowing what that means. The nerves grow inside me as my heart beat quickens, my palms sweating.

I suddenly feel jolted awake, the hair on the back of my neck standing up. I nod and lower my eyes back to my toast as my stomach turns.

"So what should I do?" I ask, watching my relaxing week with my Aunt slip away.

He rolls his eyes, not at me but at the situation at hand. "You have to come back to my Manor with me, they'll meet you there."

I groan loudly, "What if I don't want to go to your manor."

"Oh please don't make this any more difficult Everett, I already feel bad enough..." He says shaking his head shamefully.

I scoff, "Well you have a funny way of showing it."

"I'm sorry alright, I can't really believe I dragged you into this." He reaches across the table and, surprisingly, holds my hand in his.

He musters up a smile and gives my fingers a reassuring squeeze as I resign myself to spending my favorite holiday with the Death Eaters.

My eyes suddenly shift behind him as my gaze meets Athena's, her head tilting to the left in confusion and anger.

I retract my hand from Draco's as his head whips around to see who I was staring at. When he notices Athena she stands quickly from the Ravenclaw table and begins fast walking in our direction.

Just as she reaches us, Draco gets to his feet. "I should get going, I'll see you in the common room." He shuffles off awkwardly, exiting the great hall as quickly as he can.

"Hey..." I say, patting toward the now empty seat across from me.

She eyes me skeptically, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. "What was that all about?"

"What do you mean?" I say stupidly, playing dumb.

She snarls her upper lip, "It looked like you and Draco 'Death Eater' Malfoy were holding hands."

"What?!" I laugh a little too hard. "We were just talking, he was asking me for... more tutoring help."

"Oh..." She says sitting, her gaze narrowing in on mine as she questions me. "You've been acting really weird lately. Is everything okay?"

I nod, "Of course! I mean, I'm a little stressed with school work but it should pass with the break."

Her eyes light up, "That's right! I was going to ask if you wanted me to come to your Aunt's house with you? My flight doesn't leave for until late tomorrow so I thought we could explore London for a little while!"

I smile brightly, happiness rising in me as I forget all about what was making me so upset. I reach across the table and grab her hands, almost bouncing up and down from excitement.

We giggle in harmony until reality comes crashing back, my face falling.

Her brow furrows in confusion. "What's wrong?"

I shrug, my mind searching for a believable excuse. "I completely forgot to tell you, I'm not going back to my Aunt's for break..."

She let's go of my hands, "What do you mean? Where are you going?"

I can feel my walls closing up, the tension building between us as I continue to lie. I avoid her eyes as I play with what's left of my toast, "Well she's going on vacation and I figured I needed to relax so I'm meeting her in... Spain."

She glances at me from under her lashes, "Really? When do you leave?"

I shrug stupidly, "Um... We leave tonight, as soon as I get back."

I felt awful lying to Athena, but I couldn't bring her into this, there was no way I would get her sucked up into this crazy world.

"Oh okay," She begins, her smile dimming. "We can still sit with each other on the train right?"

I shrug, my eyes beginning to well with shameful tears. "Maybe... I was actually thinking of sitting in the Slytherin car, just to see what's it's like."

I hated this, I hated seeing Athena so upset because of me. My mind played over everything she must be thinking; "What's going on?" "Is she mad at me?" "What did I do wrong?"

"Is this about Draco isn't it? Is there something you're not telling me?" She asks confused.

"No!" I shout too quickly. "I mean, not really... It's hard to explain. I just think I should sit with the Slytherin's today."

"Yeah sure..." She says with a curt nod, standing and straightening out her robe. "I guess I'll see you after break or whatever."

She turns to leave, a tear spilling over and rolling onto my cheek. I jump to my feet, my instincts begging to call her back and tell her everything.

She must hear me stand because she spins around and meets my eyes. We stare at each other for a long moment, our eyes having an unspoken conversation.

Another tear rolls down my face as she smiles sorrowfully, her brow furrowing in empathy. "Tell me what's going on..."

"I can't... I'm sorry," I whisper shaking my head and staring at my shoes.

"Everett please-" She starts. "Are you in danger?"

"I'm fine," I state coldly, finally meeting her glassy eyes. "I promise everything will be okay."


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