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Daphne and Pansy wasted no time prepping me for my 'friend date' once we were all finished with classes. Daphne brushed through my hair while Pansy raised my trunk and chest of drawers for something she found suitable.

Eventually we landed a pair of black jeans, a slightly too tight top and a thick black jacket. I added my combat boots and a scarf and I was ready to go.

Blaise met me at the train and we sat together in the Slytherin compartment, talking idly as we made the short trip to Hogsmeade. I hadn't been yet, so when we arrived he pointed to a small building and suggested we grab something to eat.

"What can I get you two sweethearts?" An elderly women in an apron asks sweetly as we sit down at a table.

"Two butter beers please," Blaise says matter of factly.

She nods and trots off toward the bar, her attitude evident on her face. My fingers play with a lose string on my scarf, a nervous habit I was beginning to pick up, as I shoot her a sympathetic look.

Blaise smiles from across the table but it quickly fades as his eyes shift to something going on behind me.

"Great," He mutters under breath. "Potter, Weasley, and Granger..."

I follow his gaze to three people sitting a few tables away from us, chatting quietly and sipping at their drinks. They seemed huddled together as if they were discussing something secret, and given the circumstances, they probably were.

Most of the Slytherins hated them, their names being hissed in the common room, but I never really understood why. Maybe it was because I was new, perhaps if I had been in Hogwarts my whole life I would have inherited the same feeling.

From everything I had seen they seemed to keep to themselves.

"Maybe we can find another table..." Blaise says angrily. "I'm losing my appetite looking at the three of them."

I don't turn back to Blaise, still fascinated by the trio, when my eye catches something shiny flit by behind them.

Off in the corner near the bathrooms, a familiar flick of platinum hair weaves in an out of patrons. I crane my neck to look but just as fast I saw him, he was gone.

"Everett?!" Blaise calls, bringing back to reality.

"What?" I shout spinning around, my hair whipping in my face and my eyes widening.

Blaise chuckles, "I was calling you for like 30 seconds... Why were you staring at them?"

"I wasn't," I state, defensively.

He narrows his eyes, "What were you looking at then?"

I turn back once more to see if Draco's returned, but he's no where to be seen. "Um... Just looking for another table." I lie.

Blaise sighs and leans back into his chair, "I don't think there are any left open... Just as well, I see the bar maid bringing our drinks."

The hefty woman comes back with two glasses filled to the brim with golden liquid. When she sets it down in front of me, the foam plops over the side and splashes onto the table, nearly missing my lap.

"Two butter beers!" She cries, tossing me a knowing wink and leaving us to enjoy our drinks.

Blaise raises his to his lips gleefully, downing half the drink in one gulp. I raise it to my nose and sniff, a creamy scent releasing from the bubbles.

"Blaise?" I question, slightly embarrassed for some reason. "What's a butter beer?"

"You mean you don't have them in America?" He asks, wiping the back of his hand across his upper lip and erasing his foam mustache.

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