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"Are you mad?" Draco shouts at me, his hands balled in fists of rage.

Blaise laughs smugly next to me, "I told you he'd react like this..."

"It's not that big of a deal," I lie, refusing to elaborate on the plan in front of Blaise. "Someone has to do it."

"If you think for one second that I'm letting you anywhere near that Astronomy tower, you're insane," He points a shaky finger at me, his lips in a think line.

Blaise rolls his eyes, "You really need to chill out mate, she's stronger than you think. I would even bet to say she's far stronger than you."

"Shove it Zabini," Draco spits through his teeth, lifting his shirt to reveal his dark mark. "I have half a mind to call the Dark Lord now, tell him what you've been up to."

"And what would that be exactly? Saving your ass from killing the headmaster? Because as far as I'm concerned, the only thing keeping you from losing your mind, is her." He nods my direction, standing so he towers slightly over Draco.

Draco breathes heavily, his right reaching to his bag to grab his wand, placing it over the skull, the snake slowly beginning to slither under its touch.

"Whoa whoa whoa," I interject, snatching his wand away. "Let's not get hasty."

"Can I speak to you alone for a second," Draco says behind me, clearing his throat.

I nod, Blaise shaking his head with a huff and turning to the stairs.

Once his footsteps are distant little taps, Draco sighs. "What are you doing? You can't kill Dumbledore, do you understand how dangerous that is?"

I cup his cheeks to calm him, "I know, I know, I know. But maybe I'm the perfect person to do it. I've only been here about a year, maybe it should have been me all along."

"Everett, we can't keep betting our whole lives on a 'maybe.'" He whispers, his eyes filled with fear.

I scowl, wishing he wasn't right.

"It's far to dangerous. If you get caught by a professor or someone comes to save him, they'll kill you instantly." He cocks his head to the side, his finger reaching up and brushing a loose strand of hair out of my face.

I nod, his words sinking in.

"I'm not letting you do that."

I pull him into a hug, my head resting on his chest as I listen to his heart beat quickly. I wish I could stay in this moment forever, just the two of us wrapped in each other's arms.

"I'm so sorry this is your life, Draco." I mumble.

He chuckles nervously, patting my head. "You're sorry? I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this."

I peer up into his Grey eyes, "But one day it will all be worth it. One day this will all be over and we can be... normal."

He averts his eyes, his gaze fluttering off into space. "One day..."

"Until then," I mumble into his chest as we sway.


The second semester went by scarily fast, the days turning into weeks as Draco and I tried our best appear as if nothing had changed.

We attended apparition classes, which I had no problems in, with the other sixth years. Draco continued to make it to as many quidditch practices as he could muster. I even spent more time with Pansy, the two of us growing close.

To my detriment, I noticed Athena avoiding me at all costs. She would stare angrily at me across the library or Great Hall as she sat with Harry, Ron and Hermione, the three of them speaking in hushed whispers.

No wonder she hated me.

Draco and I made daily trips to the Room of Requirement, making sure the vanishing cabinet was on tip top shape for the Death Eaters. We spent most of our days there, skipping class to sit and talk or rummage around in all the stuff.

As much as I willed it not to, Spring arrived, melting away the snow and bringing about the ending of our timeline to kill Dumbledore.

Draco started eating less and I struggled to keep anything down from fear of the coming days.

The night before it was to be done, we found ourselves in the Room of Requirement, cuddled up in a large chair we had found one evening of boredom.

"Can I be with you tomorrow?" I ask cautiously, tracing the wrinkles on his button down.

He shakes his head, "I'm not sure..."

"Please," I plead. "I want to be there incase, incase anything goes wrong."

"Alright," He agrees. "But I want you out of sight."

"And remember, the only thing you have to do is disarm him. What happens after that is completely up to you." I say reassuringly, pulling his lips to mine for a tender kiss.

"What would I do without you Everett?" He says between pecks.

I smile, "And I without you."


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