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I take a deep breath in, suddenly very aware of how anxious I must look to them. I straighten my back out as I slowly lift my hand toward the fireplace, willing it erupt.

As always, it did.

The group of Death Eaters cheer behind me, some of them standing to get a better view mantle. They chant as I turn to them, their faces beaming with delight while I stare at Draco. The only person in the room, other than Blaise, not saying a word.

To my surprise, the excitement catches onto me, the hair on the back of my neck standing up as I watch them fawn over my gifts. I had never had attention like this before and although it scared me, I kind of liked it.

They stare in awe as I raise my hand to signal them to quiet, a hush falling over them as I turn around again. This time I lick my lips lightly before blowing out a puff of air, the fire extinguishing.

They cheer again as Voldemort joins me at my side, pulling me under his arm. "Ladies and gentlemen, please please settle yourselves. I understand this is a wonderful occasion but there is more!"

They return to their seats, their eyes wide as they wait for the next revelation. My palms sweat as I look to Draco, his sullen gaze fixed on me from under his matted hair.

I brace myself for the what Voldemort was going to ask of me next, silently hoping he was going to skip over anything about my father.

"Her abilities do not stop at fire, she is gifted in all wandless magic," He bellows proudly. "Why just the other day... She killed Graham with nothing but her mind."

The group look to each other for answers, because though they were intrigued, I had suddenly become far more dangerous now.

Draco let's out a hard breath, his eyes narrowing as the Dark Lord confesses to something I had strategically left out.

Bellatrix stands, her frame slightly smaller than mine as she sizes me up, "I don't believe you. Show us!"

My heart flutters as she throws herself toward me, my body instinctively crumbling on itself.

"Kill someone, come on just do it!" Draco's aunt shouts, riling up the crowd.

"Now now Bellatrix," Voldemort says angrily as she instantly backs off. "I don't want to put anything to waste, we will only use her when I deem it necessary. Until then, she's can follow Draco around, cleaning up whatever messes he's sure to make."

Another round of laughter as Draco sinks further into his chair. I feel my heart shatter, wishing there was something I could do to prove to these idiots that he was stronger than they thought.

My attention is quickly averted as Bellatrix pipes up again. "How did you learn all this then?"

My chest tightens as she asks the question I most feared. I'm about to redirect the conversation when the Dark Lord grabs my hand.

"As if her gifts aren't enough, the lovely Miss Everett has graced us with the most wonderful and exciting news." He stops as he looks to me to finish his sentence.

My body begs me to speak up, finally let go of everything I've been hiding from Draco but something just won't let me say it.

"My dear... Tell them." He tries.

"I can't," I say surprisingly confident.

He sighs, "This will change everything. You'll become one of the most powerful Death Eaters... Isn't that what you want?"

I pause. Of course it wasn't what I wanted, but it's what I had to do.

I hear a louder sigh next to me, Bellatrix becoming unruly as she waits. "Well? We're all chomping at the bit to see what the big deal is, Missy!"

I shake my head, the words I'm looking for lost in my mind. I turn to Voldemort, who in an odd moment of vulnerability, I trust.

"I'm sorry," I choke out. "I can't."

I turn to Draco, whose gaze finally shows a hint of the boy I know behind it. I smile lightly, maybe I wouldn't have to confess everything today. Maybe Draco was right, maybe my powers were enough to sway the Dark Lord into doing as I ask.

Maybe Voldemort, but not Bellatrix.

"If she won't tell, perhaps this will get her talking." She shouts. "Crucio!"

The room turns black as I fall to the floor, the pain so intense it's almost as if my body is turning inside out. I convulse as my throat lets out a blood curdling scream, the spasm moving through my veins like an electric current. I feel myself burning from head to toe, the cool tears on my cheek being my only relief.

And then as quickly as it started, it was over. After a few seconds the room begins to take shape, my body limp in Draco's arms as Narcissa ushers Bellatrix out the door. She's shouting as she exits but I can't hear anything over the ringing in my ears.

"Everett?" Draco pleads. "Everett are you alright?"

I nod slowly, hoisting myself up onto my elbows as I blink rapidly, hoping to get rid of the remaining dark spots. "What happened? It was so fast I didn't even..."

"She hit you with the cruciatus curse..." He says with a slight chuckle behind his voice.

"Why are you laughing," I ask, slightly pissed that he's making light of the situation.

"I'm sorry," He says, regaining his composure. "But when you screamed you... You threw her across the room."

"I what?" I say, sitting up and looking around once more.

He laughs again, "Clear across the room, my Mother had to pick her up and carry her out."

"Well, what a first impression..." I stutter out, rubbing my forehead. "Damn... That hurt."

"I bet. But look at the plus side, Voldemort seems to love you. And all the Death Eaters think you're amazing." He whispers sweetly, trying to cheer me up.

I shrug, "Not exactly the type of people I would like to be impressing."

"Well I've been waiting my whole life for someone to do that to my Aunt," He whispers with another laugh.

I chuckle as he helps me to my feet, the Dark Lord's voice beginning again.

"Ladies and gentlemen that will be all today, I think we should call this off before another one of you gets feels Everett's wrath."

Draco takes my hand, eager to leave, but something in me pulls me back.

"Is everything okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah," I nodding my head delicately as the Death Eaters shuffle out beside us. "There's just something... Private I want to discuss, if that's alright?"

"Sure," He says with a shrug. "We can go upstairs if you-"

"No," I interrupt him. "With Voldemort."

His face instantly falls, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Are you sure?"

I nod, "It will only be a minute, I'll be right upstairs."

He looks at me skeptically before letting my hand fall back to my side, his sunken frame exiting through the door and slamming it shut behind him.

"You want to speak to me?" Voldemort says, the snake at his side hissing along with him.

I turn to face him, my back straightening as I take in his whole frame. A shiver runs down my spine as his eyes rake over me, his head tilting to the right.

My palms grow sweaty but I know I have to do this, mine and Draco's life may depend on it.

My plan wasn't solid but it was a plan, and if it worked, I could change the game forever.


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