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We walk hand in hand to the dormitory, prying eyes gawking over our intertwined fingers and eerily similar expressions. I hadn't thought to ask Draco if he had ever been with anyone else, too worried about the answer, I suppose.

But by the looks on the faces of the students as we entered the common room together, I was pretty sure of my answer.

By an unknown source of luck, we hadn't run into Blaise yet but I knew it was just a matter of time until he found us. I could tell Draco was nervous, his sweaty palm struggling to grab mine as we marched forward through the awestruck Slytherins.

"Are Pans and Daphne back yet?" He asks, curiously.

I shrug, looking up the stairs as if it will give me the answer. "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they get here tomorrow before classes."

"Would it be alright if I stay with you tonight" He questions nervously, enchanting our trunks to float to our respective rooms. "I'm just used to you there now..."

I agree, knowing he was only using that as an excuse to avoid Zabini in the boys dormitories.

We trudge past some third years gossiping on the couch, their voices falling silent as we pass and their eyes shifting to the carpet, the noise picking up once more after we've made it to the stairs.

I know Draco didn't like people thinking of him like this, but in some terrible way it made me feel powerful. I had never been the bad girl, I had never even attempted anything that could get me in trouble. I had detention a few times at Ilvermorny, but only because I was an accessory to something Athena had done.

And now I wasn't just bad, I was the baddest.

Until recently, I tried my very best to keep to myself, no one really knew Draco and I were close, let alone an 'item.'

I had spent some time with Blaise which gained me some notoriety, but this type of popularity was different.

People whispered as I passed, averted their eyes to avoid my gaze, some first years even going so far as to switch staircases if they thought I may cross their path.

I wasn't famous, I was infamous.

I had secrets these students only wish they knew, I had a front row seat to every meeting Voldemort held. And more than that, I felt close to him, we had something between us.

No matter how much Draco protested I knew that I could trust Voldemort, I knew I was the only leverage between him and my father. Or rather, my father's wand.

I shiver as a harmful realization hits me, what if this is how my mother felt? Was this why she stayed with Grindelwald for so long, because she enjoyed the feeling of power. Am I following in her footsteps, falling for the wrong boy at the wrong time?

I shake the thoughts out of my head as neither of us speak, taking our our heavy coats and sweaters for something comfier and crawling into bed. I kick off my shoes and wriggle into my familiar sheets.

Draco lays opposite me, his toned back protruding through his tight cotton t-shirt. I could tell he was still a little mad, refusing to face me or even say goodnight. I didn't mind, he had every right to be upset.

His breathing evens out as I listened to the commotion below us; students giggling as they ate jelly beans around the fire, girls squealing as the boys enchanted rubber snakes, the sound of heavy footsteps making their way closer.

I close my eyes tightly, pretending to be asleep as I feel the energy in the room change. The dorms were enchanted with special locks so no one could get in unless... Unless they had a key.

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