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I exit my room, Draco waiting at the top of the stairs, his face rigid as he clenches his jaw tightly. His head whips around as he hears me approaching, softening his expression as I muster up a smile.

He holds out his hand as I take it in mine, "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I say with a nod, holding back the fear rising in my throat.

We walk down hand in hand and turn a sharp corner, a large dimly lit hallway extending before us. He must sense my nervousness because he gives my fingers a gentle squeeze.

Draco's mother stands steady at the end of the corridor, her chest rising and falling as she takes deep breaths. She turns as we get closer, running her clammy hands down her dress as she comes forward.

"They're all ready for you," She says a little too cheerfully.

"Where's Lucius?" I ask nervously. "Isn't he going to debrief me before we go in."

Her eyes fall to the floor shamefully, "I'm afraid I misspoke earlier. He won't be able to talk before you have your meeting."

I wait, expecting her to continue with a reason but instead she motions toward a large black door with a bright sliver handle. Booming voices bellow out from beneath as Draco looks to me expectantly.

I nod and take in one last shaky breath as Draco releases my hand and knocks three times. His movements are calculated and slow, like he's done this before.

We wait a few seconds and the door clicks, unlocking by itself. He places his warm hand in mine as his other reaches for the handle.

Before he can open it, I tug him back, "Don't let go."

"I won't," He whispers sweetly, his fingers intertwined with mine.

The voices I heard previously stop as we enter, everyone halting to turn and stare at us. I sink into Draco's side as we move toward the open seats in the center of the table. I use Draco's arm for balance, my knees weak as we sit down gently.

Once I've settled in slightly and the chatter returns, my eyes scan the room. We were sat in the middle of a long black ornate table with six antique chairs on either side and two larger ones at each head. A roaring black fireplace was opposite the door with a few scary looking paintings laid neatly on the mantle.

After I've gotten my bearings of the interrogation room, I switch to the people I'm seated with. The men look exactly like what I expected them too: burly, strong, scary. Their thick arms are bursting through their black shirts, the dark mark proudly showcased on almost all of them.

One was different though, his stark white and familiar hair contrasting the rest of them. This must be Lucius. He sat in the middle across from Draco and I, a haunting cane rested gently on the arm his chair. He eyes us skeptically while brushing his long locks out of his face, standing and commanding control.

"Let's begin," He says boldly, the rest of the rooms murmurs quieting down. His attention turns to me once more as he sits, straightening out his dark suit. "State your name please."

"Everett Bingham," I say proudly, hoping everyone believes my calm facade.

"Your parents?" He questions, his eyes narrowing as my palms begin to sweat.

I take in a deep breath, "My mothers name is Felicity Bingham and I don't know my father, he passed away when I was a baby."

Lucius's head tilts to the left, "But you're a pure blood, correct?"

"Of course she is father," Draco interjects loudly, lying through his teeth. "She wouldn't have been sorted into Slytherin if she wasn't."

"Draco!" Lucius says loudly, slamming the snake head that makes the top of his cane on the table, making me jump. "As if you haven't made enough of a fool of yourself already, you insist on interrupting me."

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