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Surprisingly, the next few days went by with a hitch. In the mornings I would beat Pansy to the bathroom, taking as much time as I wished in the shower. Daphne and I actually had plenty in common and I found myself spending more and more time with her.

Athena and I would meet twice a week to catch each other up on the gossip we missed. She'd tell me more stories about her new friends previous years, mostly of Cho Chang's and Harry Potter's blooming "relationship."

And I would explain to her the goings on of Slytherin house, but every time I had little news her face would fall, hoping for something a bit more juicy.

I got into a routine of eating in the great hall with Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and Daphne before walking off to class with them. I found myself amused by the many talkative ghosts who roamed the halls, the obnoxious pictures stuck in their frames, and even the dreaded moving staircases.

I discovered I liked Blaise, I really did, but something deep in my gut wouldn't let me open myself up to him. I felt cautious around him, like I should keep my card close to my chest.

He had no such problems with me, going on and on about his family and how he has trouble in certain classes, he even went as far as telling me the trials and tribulations of the Slytherin quidditch team.

But even with all this information, I could never tell if he genuinely trusted me or if he was just confessing these things to me in hopes of cracking open my shell.

He couldn't of course, with the previous summer still fresh in my mind and Athena's confession of death eater students, I had to stay guarded.

And I found that with each conversation I had with Blaise, I only wished to talk to Draco more. I was captivated with him, and although I would never admit it, he took up most of my daily thoughts.

Every night I would lay in bed, my mind going over every movement he made in front of the large cabinet, his hand running shakily through his blonde hair.

I had hardly seen him the last few days, other than passing one and other in the hallways or exchanging cautious glances in potions class.

Luckily, the work load was a lot more than I ever had before so there was plenty of other things to stress over besides just him.

About 5 weeks of the first term had past and I was beginning to get a bit frustrated. At Ilvermorny I was top of nearly every class, but here I was competing with much more skilled witches and wizards.

I spent most of my nights tucked away under Daphne's canopy begging her to quiz me on my notecards in preparation for tests and assignments.

Tonight though I was supposed to my weekly meeting with Athena, but she was busy with some of her Ravenclaw friends so I sat on the common room floor and studied alone.

I bring everything down in my sack, conjure up a small fire in the fireplace, lay it all out in front of me and nestled my books and papers between my legs, ready to begin a long evening of reading.

I grabbed a pencil from my bag and placed it neatly behind my ear, my attention flitting from book to book as I scribbled down anything I thought to be useful.

"Working hard?" Blaise states as he appears behind me and settles down on the floor.

I chuckle, "Hardly, I can't seem to focus tonight."

I certainly wasn't going to tell him that my thoughts were all but consumed by Draco.

"Then stop studying and come down to watch quidditch practice," He says proudly. "I could really use the encouragement."

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