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I sat silently at a table near the back of the library, my foot tapping impatiently as people around me gossiped or searched for books. The room was bustling with students doing their homework and writing home to their parents about the first day of school.

The library was different from the one at Ilvermorny, it felt smaller and more cramped. It didn't have large floor to ceiling windows or glowing chandeliers that hung above your head. There wasn't floors of shelves to roam for hours, only large stacks that retrieved the books for you.

The candle light was dim and scarce, students huddled together at tables squinting at the books in front of them. It didn't have the homely feel Ilvermorny had, and I didn't know if ever could.

But strangely, for the first time since my arrival I finally felt free, like no one was watching me. I didn't have Pansy breathing down my neck or a group of Gryffindors eyeing me, and even though I was thankful for Blaise, I was happy to have a moment alone.

I checked my watch; 6:57. I came to the library a little early because Pansy and Daphne had a friend over and I couldn't focus on my work with all of them talking. I figured I'd come and finish here before I met up with Athena.

I had a few more questions left to complete when I heard Athena rushing over, "Everett! Everett!" She whisper shouted at me as she bumbled over, her books toppling from her hands and landing in a heap on the round table in front of us.

She pulls me into a tight hug as I notice over her shoulder that people are once again looking our direction. So much for my moments of peace.

"I have so much to tell you..." She begins, her eyes widening in excitement. "The girls I'm rooming with told me everything we need to know about this place, it's crazy."

"Really?" I say, forgetting all the watchful eyes on us.

"But," Her eyes fall to the floor. "Not all of its good, especially for you..."

My brow furrows, "What do you mean?"

She puts in hands in front of her chest defensively, "Don't shoot the messenger okay, I'm only repeating what they told me."

"Go on then..." I state nervously.

She swallows hard, "According to my friends..." She stops and looks around, everyone going back to their work and forgetting we're even here. "You-know-who is definitely back. Apparently that's why Diagon Alley was so deserted the other day."

"Athena my aunt said-" I begin but she cuts me off.

"I know, hold on. There are these things called 'Death Eaters,' well they aren't things, they're people. And they had just ransacked the place. They're like you-know-who's minions, he sits back while they do all his dirty work."

"That's awful..." I say quietly. "But what does that have to do with me."

"Well... there's a rumor going around." She begins. I wait for her to continue but she doesn't, her fingers playing with the tassel on her school bag.

"Athena what it is!" I yell a little too loud, some students at a near by table peaking their heads up and shushing us. "Just tell me I promise I won't get upset with you."

"Alright alright... There's a rumor going around that over the summer some of the Slytherin students joined the Death Eaters." She whispers, her gaze avoiding mine. "Remember the other day how you said Hogwarts is the safest place? Well you were right but now you-know-who is recruiting people on the inside. It's gotten so bad that a lot of students didn't return for this term, their parents were too afraid."

My heart beat quickens as I realize the weight of what she's saying. This means that some of the students I live with, maybe even some of my new friends, are helping the dark lord.

Not only that, but Athena and I have walked straight into the lions den. I thought I would be safer by transferring to Hogwarts but it seems I've only made things worse.

My mind searches for the right thing to say, "Um... Did they give you names? Did they say who they think is a Death Eater?"

She shrugs, reaching into her bag and pulling out a small packet of sliced veggies. "I can't really remember, just that if anyone would be helping you-know-who, it'd be a Slytherin."

I sigh sitting back in my seat and trying to calm myself down. My thoughts race a million miles a second as I try to imagine the people I've met being hand in hand with the dark lord.

Blaise didn't seem like the type, Crabbe and Goyle seemed a bit too dumb to be at the dark lords beck and call, and Pansy was too focused on her placement in the social hierarchy. But then I remember...  

"And you're sure they didn't say any names?" I try again.

"I mean, I know they brought someone up but I can't remember anymore..." She says munching on her carrots.

"Was it..." I lean in closely and whisper, "Draco Malfoy?"

Her eyes light up, "Yeah! That's his name! My one friend Cho say he's a real piece of work, and his parents are even worse."

Pieces begin to click together as I scramble my papers up and shove them into my bag, standing quickly and slipping on my robe. "I have to go..." I say to her apologetically, already on my way out.

"But I haven't heard anything you're first day!" She yells to my back.

"I'll tell you later," I shout as quietly as I can, shuffling past the rows of books and out the door into the corridor.

I rush down the hallway, my heart pounding against my chest. My vision goes blurry as I forget which way I have to turn to get back to the Slytherin common room.

After what Athena told me, I'm not even sure I want to go back, how could I trust anyone there? Looking around, all the hallways begin to look the same, the crushing weight of what our conversation meant falling on my chest as the walls slowly begin to close in on me.

I sit down on a bench behind a thick stone pillar and put my head in my hands hoping to regain some sanity. I just need to calm down and gather my senses, once I steady my breathing I'm sure I'll remember how to get to the common room.

I close my eyes in embarrassment as heavy footsteps press past my little hideout. I rub my temples for a few seconds and stand shakily, grabbing my bag from beside me and reemerging into the hallway.

I straighten myself out and start for what I'm certain is the right way to the common room. I walk for a little and make a left but after a few steps I'm not entirely sure I made the correct turn.

I sigh silently to myself wishing I had paid more attention when I made my way to class with Blaise this morning.

I let out a deep sigh and shake my head to rid myself of all the nasty thoughts. I swallow harshly as I begin again down another hallway, the unfamiliarity setting in as I run my shaky hand through my hair.

I'm about to turn back when I hear the footsteps again, this time to my right. I peak around the corner, a boy pacing silently
in front of a plain stone wall. I step toward him hoping to ask for directions when I recognize him.

It was Draco.


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