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"What were you doing?" I ask, starting down the hallway toward him. "You weren't invited, you should've known Filch would find you."

He lowers his head once more, "Nothing. Just forget about it."

"You know you've been saying that a lot lately," I retort, still following him.

He spins quickly to face me, my feet skidding to a stop as I nearly slam into him. "So I hear you're dating Blaise?"

My brow furrows in confusion, "Actually, I'm not as of a few minutes ago."

His gaze shifts for a moment before returning to it's stoic normal.

"What does that matter to you?" I ask, my heart beat picking up.

He shoves his hands in his pockets, "It doesn't, i was just-"

"Is that why you were creeping around the party?" I question, putting the pieces together. "You're jealous?"

"No," He says with a defiant shrug. "I'm not jealous, he's bad news. And a prick on top of all of that."

I huff out a short laugh, "Not that it matters anymore, but how would you even know? You've barely spent any time with him this semester, in fact you've been basically nonexistent since the third week, and when you do show up you're more of a nuisance than anything else."

He runs a shaky hand through his hair as he grunts out his disapproval. "Listen, I've known him longer than you, I know what I'm talking about. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from him."

"Why?" I ask sternly.

"Just trust me on this!" He shouts, his head suddenly whipping around to make sure no ones listening in.

Once he's sure we're safe, he grabs my forearm and pulls me behind another large stone pillar to keep us hidden. "You're not safe around Zabini. He's... He's not the person you-"

"He's not the person I what? Not the kind of person I should be dating? Not the person I thought he was?" I yell back, the anger building inside me. "Well thanks but you're too late, I already figured that out on my own."

"Keep your voice down," He says sternly.

"And who would you prefer I be hanging around with then? You? You're no better than Blaise." I state, hoping to sting.

His mouth hangs open as he searches for words, his brow ruffled together in anger, his feet instinctively moving away from me. His back hits the pillar as he tries to retreat, his eyes a strange mix of frustration and betrayal.

"You don't know anything." He says through gritted teeth.

"I know it was you who cursed Katie Bell. I was there, I saw the box with the necklace next to her. It was the same one you took from that room!" I retort, my voice smoother than I expected.

"You shouldn't have followed me that night," He whispers trying to restrain himself.

"Well I did," I say with a defeated laugh, my arms raising with a shrug. "And now I know your secret Draco. I know what you are."

"You think you're so smart don't you," He tightens his fists, his fingernails digging into his skin. He looks me up and down, like I've fallen straight into a trap, the hair on the back of my neck standing up as he moves toward me. "But I'll bet you didn't know Blaise was one too."

I take in a sharp breath at his words. He had to be lying, his jealousy getting the better of him. I had spent this entire term with Blaise, he wouldn't have been able to hide something like this from me.

I feel the rage building up inside of me, "That's not true. He couldn't be a Death Eater, I would have known."

"I wouldn't be so confident," Draco starts, his eyes meeting mine with an evil glare.

I suck in a deep breath, "You're a liar."

"I'd watch what you say very carefully, Everett. You're not the person you claim to be either. I did some research the past couple of months and you never had a roommate at Ilvermorny named Bri."

I shrug, scoffing loudly to hid my nerves. "So what?"

He smiles, "So I'll ask you again. How did you become so well versed in wandless magic Everett?"

Now it's my turn to be worry, my throat closing as he eyes me with fake confusion.

I steady my breathing as much as I can, "How did you figure this out?"

"You'd be surprised what you can get away with when you're working for the Dark Lord," He spits fiercely. His hand reaches over and snatches mine, twisting my fingers around in his grip until he sees my ring. "And what about this. Pansy told me you freaked out when you lost it a few hours ago. Come to think of it, I've never actually seen you without it."

"It was my mothers," I say, retracting my hand as my anger reaches its peak.

He cocks his head to the side, "She also mentioned it doesn't respond to magic."

"Whats the point of all of this? What do you want from me?" I yell, stepping back from him to try and gain some power.

"I know you're hiding something." He states bitterly.

"Do you know who I am?" I whisper shakily, tears beginning to brim.

I wait anxiously as he opens his mouth but all that comes out is a tired sigh, as if he didn't have time for this. His blue eyes meet mine before he spins to exit, his shoes clacking quickly down the hallway as he leaves me in the dust.

My head spins, the stones closing in around me as my world comes crashing down. There's no way he could know, right? Even he-who-must-not-be-named has his limits.

My feet move without warning, chasing him down the corridor as tears sting my eyes. "Hey! This isn't over!"

He peaks over his shoulder, his legs carrying him faster than I can keep up.

"You're no better than him, you know! You're just as bad as Blaise! You're an awful person Draco Malfoy!"

My words must cut him somewhere deep because he turns to face me, his eyes sunken and glassy. "Soon enough you'll find out that some of us are doing this because we have no choice... While others are doing it because its fun... Now if you excuse me, I have a cabinet to fix."

He meets my confused expression once more before leaving me alone in the hallway, my mouth hanging open.

I blink the tears away, rushing down the corridor toward the common room. I suck in a sharp breath as I round the corner, wiping my stained cheeks when a hand reaches out and grabs my forearm.

I stumble back behind another pillar as cool palm wraps around my mouth, stifling my yelp.

My eyes widen as I meet the gaze of the tall man in front of me, his index finger over his lips, indicating for me to keep quiet.

After a few seconds he lowers his hand from my mouth as I stare at him in awe.

"Professor Snape?"


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