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After about an hour or two of successful sleep, I  resumed my tossing and turning, Draco's tired body taking a few beatings as I rolled.

He didn't seem to mind though, his eyes twitching closed after each small blow as she drifted back into slumber.

As awful as the party was, I had much bigger things to worry about today, much larger tasks ahead of me. I fumbled with my moonstone ring as I stared out the window to my left, light snores coming from the sleeping boy beside me.

The sun slowly began to rise, the sky outside turning a light orange as it peaked over the snowy hilltops. I glanced to Draco, his mouth parted slightly as his left hand draped over the empty space between us. He looked so peaceful, so serene, so unaware of the world around him.

As much as I wanted to be, I couldn't be mad at him. He was trying his best, and though it wasn't always great, who could blame him?

I had only been staying at the manor for a few days and I was already emotionally drained, I can't imagine what it must have been like to grow up here.

My eyes shift to the mark on his wrist, the eerie skull and devilish snake slithering into my mind. I absentmindedly ran my hand over my left forearm, my fingers creating goosebumps on my skin as I imagine what it will feel like to be branded.

"You're awake?" He says groggily, rolling over so he faces me.

I shrug, "If you haven't noticed, I'm not great at sleeping."

"Worried about tomorrow?" He chuckles nervously, getting the hair out of his eyes.

"Technically today," I say smiling, my gaze shifting to now risen sun.

Draco sits up on his elbows, "What time is it?"

"8:14," I answer, looking to the clock.

He yawns, stretching his hands above his head with a loud groan. "Wow, I slept like a rock. I always did love the guest bedroom."

"Do you know when he'll get here?" I interrupt him, to anxious to make small talk.

He shrugs, laying back down. "I would guess not until later in the afternoon, he's... Not really a morning person."

We both laugh nervously although the tension grows with each passing second, my teeth gnawing on my bottom lip. I look back to my arm, the empty space about to filled with a constant reminder of who I belong to.

"I wish I could make this easier for you," He whispers, his gaze following mine.

"You've done everything you can Draco," I say, brushing my unruly hair out of my eyes.

He shakes his head, "What if I missed something, what if there was some way to stop all of this?"

I chuckle, "You have to stop thinking like that. This wasn't all your fault, I was the one who followed you into the Room of Requirement."

He doesn't say anything as we lay there for a few moments, our ragged breaths the only source of sound.

Suddenly, Draco's eyes light up, "I know what you can do! I can't believe I hadn't thought of this until now..."

"What?" I ask skeptically, furrowing my brow in confusion.

"You have to tell him," He says excitedly.

I stare blankly at him as he rolls his eyes jokingly, "Tell him what?"

"About the fire! If you tell him about your abilities with wandless magic, he'll be like putty in your hands." He says with a wide smile, his hand rested strongly on my shoulder.

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