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I enter Borgin and Burke's with a new sense a purpose, refreshed after seeing my mom. My eyes still well with tears every time I think of her, my fingers fidgeting with the ring as her scent still clings to my sweatershirt.

My hand reaches for the cool knob of the vanishing cabinet, doubt suddenly rising up in me as I'm about to transport myself back to Hogwarts alone.

"Everett?" A voice whispers behind me, my body jolting as I jump back at the sound.

Narcissa stands before me, her hands clasped tightly in front of her chest as her head quickly darts behind her.

"Shouldn't you be back at Hogwarts by now?" She asks, her tone curious and fearful.

I nod, "Yeah I just..."

"Is the vanishing cabinet alright? Is everything still working?" She eyes the tall wooden frame behind me, running her fingers along the engraved surface.

"Actually," I begin. "I haven't tried it yet. I'm a little worried, we've never had someone go through alone. I know the spell, but hopefully it works just as well when the occupant says the spell."

She smiles sweetly, her perfectly white teeth create a stark difference from our setting. "Nothing to fear dear, it seems you've patched it up as good as new."

"Draco and I did it together," I interject, feeling a responsibility to defend him.

She chuckles, "Well perhaps he stood beside you while you fixed it, but I know my son, he couldn't pull something like this off without a little help."

"I really should get going. Like I said before, he's probably worried." I shrug, not knowing what else to say.

"Before you go, I just want to tell you..." She reaches for my hand and pulls me to the side, her head whipping around again to make sure no one is listening. "I know there's a lot of pressure that comes with being a Death Eater, especially one as important as you, but not everything is as it seems. And about your mother, you don't have to... Give everything away."

I cock my head to the side, confused. "What?"

She sighs, "The Dark Lord is... intimidating but when it comes to you, he's not all knowing."

"I don't understand," I question, feeling my thoughts freeze up.

She smiles, "I'm a rather successful Legilimens, and your mind is well guarded. How long have you been practicing Occlumency?"

"I'm sorry? I don't- I don't study Occlumnecy." I say stupidly.

Her mouth falls open, "Must be another one of your limitless gifts. You do amaze us all, even Bella and Lucius, though they don't want you to know."

I smile, still slightly confused. "Well thank you."

"With a mind like yours, you don't have to lead him to your mum if you don't want to. He'll believe you if you tell him she's disappeared for good."

"Oh..." I start.

Her eyes search the floor for the correct words, "I don't know if really don't know where your mother is and truthfully, it's none of my business. But you've done enough for him already. If you feel your mum is unsafe, there are precautions you can take."

"You mean, lie?" I ask, my brow furrowing.

She shrugs, "Not lie necessarily, but withhold some of the truth. Am I correct in assuming you've already been doing this?"

I shrug while I allow her words to digest, the possibility of my mother being left completely out of the picture sinking in. If what Narcissa was telling me was true, I could potentially erase my mom from the narrative, allowing her to stay in hiding.

So far none of the Death Eaters have shown a great interest in my moms whereabouts, unless also discussing my fathers wand. If I could get them the wand without dragging my mother into the mix, they will most likely forget all about her.

"Well," Narcissa says, interrupting my thoughts. "I should let you get going. Just... think about what I said. It's all up to you."

She turns to leave, her heels clicking against the wood as her dress skims the floor beneath her.

"Wait!" I shout as her reaches the door, the bell dinging as it opens slightly.

Her eyes meet mine, curious and scared. Her strength makes me forget that she has as much a stake in this as me, if not more. This is her whole life, everything she has ever done has lead to this exact moment.

Her sister, her husband, her son. She could never escape, this was her only fate. Her only way out was through and she needed to conserve as much time as possible.

"What about you?" I ask quietly. "Have you ever... Withheld the whole truth."

She lowers her gaze, "Only when necessary."

"And what happens if he finds out?" I press, afraid of her answer.

She smiles, but it quickly fades into a worried grimace.

"Let's both hope he never does."


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