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a/n: really really short chapter this time but I'm setting up for some HUGE ONES!!!


I sneak through Diagon Alley, the hood of the sweatshirt I borrowed from my aunt snug around my face. I couldn't risk anyone seeing me, not this time.

I round the corner to the familiar dark brick walkway, the single lamp light seeming to flicker as I pass. I trudge down with a sense of purpose, hoping no one I brush by notices my hands are shaking from nerves.

I can see the sign for Borgin and Burke's swinging in the wind up ahead. I turn my head, peaking through the glass windows to see if the Malfoy's or Bellatrix were still inside.

The place looks empty so I carefully place my fingers around the door knob, turning it slowly as it creaks open. I slip inside and lower my hood, my eyes scanning the room for the cabinet I had seen earlier.

It sits alone, across the room, the moonstone ring hidden in the corner seeming to call my name. I fast walk over and press my face against the glass, my breath fanning out in puffs of fog.

"Damn it..." I whisper to myself, realizing I never concocted a plan on how I was going to get it out without anyone noticing.

I whip around to make sure no one's around and pick my wand out of my boot, slowly beginning to tap the glass closest to the ring. The sound echoes through the room, my face scrunching up with each passing 'ting.'

I move my wand in a circle motion, a small hole starting to form as little splinters of glass jut out from where I've been hitting. I beat harder, the shards falling to the floor until I can just barely reach my hand through.

I pinch my fingers through, glass cutting into the skin around my wrist as I pry the ring off the stand.

I carefully pull it out from the cabinet, the jewelry held safely in my palm. The silver is cool to the touch and the moonstone set in the mold seems to attract every bit of light room. The colors swirl together in the stone as if moving in the wind.

My eyes well with tears as I reach for my wand, "Reparo."

The pieces begin to float up from the floor and in a matter of seconds, it's as if nothing ever happened.

I suck in a deep breath and open my hand, staring blankly at the ring and all it's possibilities.

My heart twinges as I remember Draco is waiting for me, probably pacing back and forth in the Room of Requirement wondering if he's just killed me.

But this is more important right now, I can apologize to him later, I need to warm my mother before its too late.

So without another hesitation, I place the ring on the ground and grab it.


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